Libellulidae of Maine
(Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Class Hexapoda, Order Odonata, Family Libellulidae)

(updated 17 September 2020)

Libellulidae - [?] family
Maine is home to 36 species in 13 genera. If you know which species you have or are interested in learning about, click on the appropriate link from the species list below. Otherwise, to determine which genus your dragonfly belongs to, refer to the table below the species list.

   Celithemis (4 species)
      Celithemis elisa - calico pennant
      Celithemis eponina - Halloween pennant
      Celithemis fasciata - banded pennant
      Celithemis martha - Martha’s pennant
   Erythemis (1 species)
      Erythemis simplicicollis - common pondhawk
   Erythrodiplax (1 species)
      Erythrodiplax berenice - seaside dragonlet
   Ladona (2 species)
      Ladona exusta - white corporal
      Ladona julia - chalk-fronted corporal
   Leucorrhinia (6 species)
      Leucorrhinia frigida - frosted whiteface
      Leucorrhinia glacialis - crimson-ringed whiteface
      Leucorrhinia hudsonica - Hudsonian whiteface
      Leucorrhinia intacta - dot-tailed whiteface
      Leucorrhinia patricia - Canada whiteface
      Leucorrhinia proxima - red-waisted whiteface
   Libellula (7 species)
      Libellula cyanea - spangled skimmer
      Libellula incesta - slaty skimmer
      Libellula lactuosa - widow skimmer
      Libellula pulchella - Needham’s skimmer
      Libellula pulchella - twelve-spotted skimmer
      Libellula quadrimaculata - four-spotted skimmer
      Libellula semifasciata - painted skimmer
   Nannothemis (1 species)
      Nannothemis bella - elfin skimmer
   Pachydiplax (1 species)
      Pachydiplax longipennis - blue dasher
   Pantala (2 species)
      Pantala flavescens - wandering glider
      Pantala hymenaea - spot-winged
   Perithemis (1 species)
      Perithemis tenera - eastern amberwing
   Plathemis (1 species)
      Plathemis lydia - common whitetail
   Sympetrum (7 species)
      Sympetrum corruptum - variegted meadowhawk
      Sympetrum costiferum - saffron-winged meadowhawk
      Sympetrum danae - black meadowhawk
      Sympetrum internum - cherry-faced meadowhawk
      Sympetrum obtrusum - white-faced meadowhawk
      Sympetrum semicinctum - band-winged meadowhawk
      Sympetrum vicinum - autumn meadowhawk
   Tramea (2 species)
      Tramea carolina - Carolina saddlebags
      Tramea lacerata - black saddlebags

red font = character state unique or nearly so char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4
Erythemis simplicicollis
Erythrodiplax berenice
Nannothemis bella
Pachydiplax longipennis
Perithemis tenera
Plathemis lydia

Celithemis (pennant)
[information to be added]

red font = character state unique or nearly so char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4
C. elisa
C. eponina
C. fasciata
C. martha

Celithemis elisa (calico pennant) - [information to be added]

Celithemis eponina (Halloween pennant) - [information to be added]

(click on image to enlarge)

Celithemis fasciata (banded pennant) - [information to be added]

Celithemis martha (Martha’s pennant) - [information to be added]

Erythemis (pondhawk)
[information to be added]

Erythemis siplicicollis (common pondhawk) - [information to be added]

Erythrodiplax (dragonlet)
[information to be added]

Erythrodiplax berenice (seaside dragonlet) - [information to be added]

Ladona (corporal)
[information to be added]

char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4
L. exusta
L. julia

Ladona exusta (white corporal) - [information to be added]

Ladona julia (chalk-fronted corporal) - [information to be added]

(identified by Tom Hayward; click on image to enlarge)

Leucorrhinia (whiteface)
[information to be added]

red font = character state unique or nearly so char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4
L. frigida
L. glacialis
L. hudsonica
L. intacta
L. patricia
L. proxima

Leucorrhinia frigida (frosted whiteface) - [information to be added]

Leucorrhinia glacialis (crimson-ringed whiteface) - [information to be added]

Leucorrhinia hudsonica (Hudsonian whiteface) - [information to be added]

Leucorrhinia intacta (dot-tailed whiteface) - [information to be added]

Leucorrhinia patricia (Canada whiteface) - [information to be added]

Leucorrhinia proxima (red-waisted whiteface) - [information to be added]

Libellula (skimmer)
[information to be added]

red font = character state unique or nearly so char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4
L. cyanea
L. incesta
L. lactuosa
L. needhami
L. pulchella
L. quadrimaculata
L. semifasciata

Libellula cyanea (spangled skimmer) - [information to be added]

Libellula incesta (slaty skimmer) - [information to be added]

Libellula lactuosa (widow skimmer) - [information to be added]

Libellula needhami (Needham’s skimmer) - [information to be added]

Libellula pulchella (twelve-spotted skimmer) - [information to be added]

(click on image to enlarge)

Libellula quadrimaculata (four-spotted skimmer) - [information to be added]

Libellula semifasciata (painted skimmer) - [information to be added]

Nannothemis (skimmer)
[information to be added]

Nannothemis bella (elfin skimmer) - [information to be added]

Pachydiplax (disher)
[information to be added]

Pachydiplax longipennis (blue dasher) - [information to be added]

Pantala (glider)
[information to be added]

Pantala flavescens (wandering glider) - [information to be added]

Pantala hymenaea (spot-winged glider) - [information to be added]

Perithemis (amberwing)
[information to be added]

Perithemis tenera (eastern amberwing) - [information to be added]

Plathemis (whitetail)
[information to be added]

Plathemis lydia (common whitetail) - [information to be added]

(click on image to enlarge)

Sympetrum (meadowhawk)
[information to be added]

red font = character state unique or nearly so char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4
S. corruptum
S. costiferum
S. danae
S. internum
S. obtrusum
S. semicinctum
S. vicinum

Sympetrum corruptum (variegated meadowhawk) - [information to be added]

Sympetrum costiferum (saffron-winged meadowhawk) - [information to be added]

Sympetrum danae (black meadowhawk) - [information to be added]

Sympetrum internum (cherry-faced meadowhawk) - [information to be added]

Sympetrum obtrusum (white-faced meadowhawk) - [information to be added]

Sympetrum semicinctum (band-winged meadowhawk) - [information to be added]

Sympetrum vicinum (autumn meadowhawk) - [information to be added]

Tramea (saddlebags)
[information to be added]

char. 1 char. 2 char. 3 char. 4
T. carolina
T. lacerata

Tramea carolina (Carolina saddlebags) - [information to be added]

Tramea lacerata (black saddlebags) - [information to be added]