Information and observations about species of bitterns, herons, and egrets
that live on Mount Desert Island
(Order Ciconiiformes, Class Aves, Phylum Chordata, Kingdom Animalia)

(updated 31 January 2017)

Order Ciconiiformes - bitterns, herons, egrets

Mount Desert Island is home to 11 species in 9 genera in 1 family. Click on a link below or scroll down for more information.

   Ardeidae (9 genera, 11 species)
      Botaurus lentiginosus - American bittern
      Ixobrychus exilis - least bittern
      Ardea herodius - great blue heron
      Ardea alba - great egret
      Egretta thula - snowy egret
      Egretta caerulea - little blue heron
      Bubulcus ibis - cattle egret
      Butorides virescens - green heron
      Nycticorax nycticorax - black-crowned night-heron
      Nyctanassa violacea - yellow-crowned night-heron
      Plegadis falcinellus - glossy ibis


Ardea herodias (great blue heron)
wading and sunbathing:
(click on an image to enlarge)

Egretta thula (snowy egret)

(photograph by Lynn Lepley-Boschert; click on image to enlarge)