Polygonaceae - knotweed family
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Mount Desert Island is home to 20 species in 5 genera. Click on a link below or scroll down for more information.
Fagopyrum (1 species)
Fagopyrum esculentum - garden buckwheat (uncommon [see note 1 at bottom of page])
Fallopia (3 species)
Fallopia cilinodis - fringed bindweed (occasional)
Fallopia convolvulus - black bindweed (occasional)
Fallopia japonica - Japanese knotweed (occasional)
Persicaria (7 species)
Persicaria amphibia - water smartweed (uncommon)
Persicaria careyi - Carey's smartweed (uncommon)
Persicaria hydropiper - water-pepper smartweed (uncommon)
Persicaria lapathifolia - dock-leaved smartweed (uncommon)
Persicaria maculosa - lady's-thumb smartweed (occasional)
Persicaria pensylvanica - Pennsylvania smartweed (uncommon)
Persicaria sagittata - arrow-leaved tearthumb (occasional)
Polygonum (4 species)
Polygonum articulatum - coastal jointed knotweed (uncommon)
Polygonum aviculare - dooryard knotweed (occasional)
Polygonum buxiforme - prairie knotweed (uncommon)
Polygonum fowleri - Fowler's knotweed (uncommon)
Rumex (5 species)
Rumex acetosella - sheep dock (common)
Rumex britannica - greater water dock (occasional)
Rumex crispus - curly dock (occasional)
Rumex longifolius - yard dock (uncommon)
Rumex pallidus - seabeach dock (uncommon)
Fagopyrum (buckwheat)
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Fagopyrum esculentum (garden buckwheat) - [information to be added]
Fallopia (bindweed, knotweed)
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Fallopia cilinodis (fringed bindweed) - [information to be added]
Fallopia convolvulus (black bindweed) - [information to be added]
Fallopia japonica (Japanese knotweed) - [information to be added]
Persicaria (smartweed)
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Persicaria amphibia (water smartweed) - [information to be added]
Persicaria careyi (Carey's smartweed) - [information to be added]
Persicaria hydropiper (water-pepper smartweed) - [information to be added]
Persicaria lapathifolia (dock-leaved smartweed) - [information to be added]
Persicaria maculosa (lady's-thumb smartweed) - [information to be added]
(click on image to enlarge)
Persicaria pensylvanica (Pennsylvania smartweed) - [information to be added]
Persicaria sagittata (arrow-leaved smartweed) - [information to be added]
Polygonum (knotweed)
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Polygonum articulatum (coastal jointed knotweed) - [information to be added]
Polygonum aviculare (dooryard knotweed) - [information to be added]
Polygonum buxiforme (prairie knotweed) - [information to be added]
Polygonum fowleri (Fowler's knotweed) - [information to be added]
Rumex (dock)
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Rumex acetosella (sheep dock) - [information to be added]
(click on image to enlarge)
Rumex britannica (greater water dock) - [information to be added]
Rumex crispus (curly dock) - [information to be added]
Rumex longifolius (yard dock) - [information to be added]
Rumex pallidus (seabeach dock) - [information to be added]
1. Frequency designations are from the paper “Vascular flora of the Acadia National Park region, Maine” by Craig W. Greene, Linda L. Gregory, Glen H. Mittelhauser, Sally C. Rooney, and Jill E. Weber, published in the spring 2005 issue (vol. 107, No. 930) of Rhodora: Journal of the New England Botanical Club.