Search Seaweed Species

Current Latin NameGomontia polyrhiza (Lagerheim) Bornet & Flahault
Common Names



Cape Elizabeth
Edmunds Township
Mount Desert
North Haven
Roque Bluffs
South Portland
South Thomaston
West Bath

KnoxNorth HavenKent Cove, North Haven Island, Penobscot Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199836
KnoxNorth HavenSouthern Harbor, near Main Street and Crabtree Point Road, North Haven, Penobscot Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199836
SagadahocGeorgetownSheepscot River near Five Islands and Love Nest snack bar, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996619
CumberlandBrunswickThomas Point Beach, New Meadows River, Cooks Corner, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996611
HancockLamoineLamoine State Park, Lamoine, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996418
WashingtonEdmunds Townshipat R. Friedman Field Station (Suffolk University) North of Cobscook State Park Boat ramp and opposite Crows Neck, Edmunds, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996324
KnoxVinalhavenLane's Island Preserve, Vinalhaven Island, Penobscot Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996314
WashingtonSteubenDyer Neck near Yeaton Cove, Steuben, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996313
WashingtonRoque BluffsSanford Cove near Great Cove Golf Course, Roque Bluffs, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996224
CumberlandFreeportWolfe's Neck Wood State Park, Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995122
SagadahocPhippsburgSebasco Harbor boat ramp off of Route 127, in front of Sebasco Lodge, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199599
LincolnNobleboroOyster Creek, within Salt Bay, Nobleboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995814
LincolnNewcastlesouthwest shore of Salt Bay, Newcastle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995814
LincolnDamariscottaGlidden Point, entrance to Salt Bay, Damariscotta, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995814
SagadahocWest BathNew Meadow River, at Lehman Highway, Route 24. West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995814
CumberlandFalmouthMussel Cove, off of Route 88 bridge, Falmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995812
CumberlandFreeportWolf Neck Carrying Boat Ramp near Recompense Shore Campsite, Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995812
CumberlandPortlandcove between Little and Great Diamond Islands, Casco Bay, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199583
SagadahocBathend of Mountain Road, New Meadow River, West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199581
SagadahocPhippsburgthe Basin, off of Meadowbrook River, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199581
CumberlandHarpswellBasin Cove Falls, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995220
CumberlandBrunswickNew Meadows River, at boat ramp off of Harding Road, Cooks Corner, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994731
CumberlandFreeportPorter Landing, Harraseeket River, Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994731
CumberlandYarmouthMouth of Royal River, Yarmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994728
CumberlandPortlandFore River, at Pleasantdale, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994727
YorkKitteryDuck Island, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977816
CumberlandCape ElizabethPond CoveUniversity of Michigan (MICH)1928115
HancockTremontSeal Cove, Mount DesertUniversity of Michigan (MICH)192091
KnoxSouth ThomastonSouth Thomaston, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)191595
KnoxThomastonThomastonUniversity of Michigan (MICH)191595
CumberlandHarpswellSouth HarpswellThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)19037
WashingtonCutlerCulterThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)190270
HancockMount DesertMt. Desert, Crowninshield Point, on side walls of densely packed barnaclesThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1900714
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, MEBrown University (BRU)189470
HancockBrooksvilleCape RosierMichigan State University (MSC)189470
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, in dead shellsThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)189470
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier.University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)189470
HancockBrooksvilleCape RosierUniversity of Michigan (MICH)189470
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, MEYale University Herbarium (YPM-YU)189470
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)18947
HancockBrooksvilleSpectacle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEBrown University (BRU)189370
HancockBrooksvilleSpectacle Island, Penobscot BayMiami University (MU)189370
HancockBrooksvilleSpectacle Island, Penobscot BayMichigan State University (MSC)189370
HancockBrooksvillePenobscot Bay, Spectacle Island, on shellsThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)189370
HancockBrooksvilleSpectacle Island, Penobscot BayUniversity Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)189370
HancockBrooksvilleSpectacle Island, Penobscot BayUniversity of Michigan (MICH)189370
HancockBrooksvilleSpectacle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEYale University Herbarium (YPM-YU)189370
HancockBrooksvilleSpectacle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)18937
HancockBrooksvilleSpectacle IslandCanadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa (CANA)1893
HancockMount DesertMount DesertThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)189070
HancockMount DesertSeal Harbor, MENew England Botanical Club (NEBC)189000
HancockBrooksvilleSpectacle Island, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)0

CountyTownshipLocationReference TitleYearCitation
CumberlandThe marine algae of Casco Bay1911Collins, F.S.. 1911. The marine algae of Casco Bay. Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History 2(9):257-282
HancockMount DesertA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1890Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockLamoineA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1896Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonCutlerA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1967Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonSteubenA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1987Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonEdmunds TownshipA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonRoque BluffsA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockMount DesertSeal Harbor, near Crowninshield Point, Mount DesertFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1888Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
WashingtonEdmunds TownshipFriedman Marine Laboratory, EdmundsFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine1996Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
CumberlandHarpswellAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1903Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandSouth PortlandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandYarmouthAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandFreeportAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandBrunswickAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
SagadahocPhippsburgAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
SagadahocWest BathAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandPortlandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandFalmouthAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandHarpswellAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
YorkKitteryDuck IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
HancockMount DesertFlora of Mount Desert Island, Maine: A preliminary catalogue of the plants growing on Mount Desert and the adjacent islands1894Rand, E.L. and J.H. Redfield. 1894. Flora of Mount Desert Island, Maine: A preliminary catalogue of the plants growing on Mount Desert and the adjacent islands.
A checklist and distributional index of the benthic marine algae of the north Atlantic Ocean0South, G.R. and I. Tittley. 1986. A checklist and distributional index of the benthic marine algae of the north Atlantic Ocean.
