Search Seaweed Species

Current Latin NameRhizoclonium riparium (Roth) Harvey
Common NamesRooting Green Thread Weed



Bar Harbor
Blue Hill
Boothbay Harbor
Cape Elizabeth
Chebeague Island
Columbia Falls
Deer Isle
Edmunds Township
Matinicus Isle Plantation
Mount Desert
North Haven
Old Orchard Beach
Roque Bluffs
Saint George
South Berwick
South Bristol
South Portland
South Thomaston
Southwest Harbor
Stockton Springs
Swans Island
Verona Island
West Bath
Westport Island
Winter Harbor

WashingtonEastportEastport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2013821
YorkBiddefordWood Island, mouth of the Saco River and at the entrance of Biddeford Pool, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2013814
CumberlandFreeportBrewer's Marina, South Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)201388
HancockDeer IsleSpruce Head Island, Deer Isle, Penobscot Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2012822
SagadahocPhippsburgBates-Morse Mountain Conservation Area, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2007922
LincolnBoothbay HarborMaine Department of Marine Resources Docks, McKown Point, Boothbay Harbor, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2007729
KnoxRocklandJourney's End Marina, Rockland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2007729
WashingtonEastportEastport Harbor, Eastport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200587
CumberlandPortlandPortland Yacht Services, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200384
CumberlandSouth PortlandSpring Point Marina, South Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200384
CumberlandHarpswellNE part across from small duck pond, Basin Cove, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2003420
LincolnBoothbaySawyer Island, Boothbay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2003413
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor, outer bridge pilings, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)20011018
CumberlandPortlandopposite Great Diamond Island, Evergreen, Peaks Island, Casco Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)20001022
CumberlandPortlandPeaks Island, Casco Bay, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)20001022
SagadahocGeorgetownReid State Park, Casco Bay, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)20001014
CumberlandHarpswellWhite Bull Island, Casco Bay, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200076
SagadahocArrowsicoff Bald Head Road opposite Lee Island on the Kennebec River, Arrowsic, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200071
SagadahocGeorgetowntip of Kennebec Point Road, at private house, opposite Popham Beach, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200071
SagadahocGeorgetownKennebec River at West Georgetown opposite Bald Head, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200071
SagadahocPhippsburgPasture Ridge Road, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000625
CumberlandPortland(West) Great Diamond Island, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200063
CumberlandPortlandLittle Diamond Island, Casco Bay, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200063
CumberlandBrunswickRossmore Road off Merepoint Road, Maquoit Bay, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000527
CumberlandBrunswickWharton Point, Maquoit Bay, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000527
CumberlandPortlandat Spar Cove looking directly towards Wymam Power Station (i.e. Cousins I.), Peaks Island, Casco Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000325
LincolnDamariscottaDamariscotta River at bridge in town, Damariscotta, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000318
LincolnWaldoboroBack River Cove off Cove Rd., at boat ramp, Medomak River, Waldoboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000318
LincolnWaldoboroMedomak River at Luce Road off of Rt. 220, Waldoboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000318
LincolnWaldoboroMedomak River, boat ramp off Rt. 220, Waldoboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000316
KnoxSaint GeorgeOtis Cove on the St. George River, neat junction of Turkey and Wallston Rds, St. George, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000316
KnoxSaint GeorgeSt. George boat ramp in Port Clyde Harbor at mouth of the St. George River, St. George, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000316
KnoxThomastonSt. George River at intersection of Rts. 131 and 1, Thomaston, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000316
LincolnNewcastleDamariscotta River just north of Maine Public Lands and Perkins Point, via private property, Newcastle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000314
LincolnBoothbayMeadow Cove, Damariscotta River, near East Boothbay, Boothbay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000314
LincolnBoothbayOcean Point, Boothbay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000314
SagadahocGeorgetownReid State Park, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000311
SagadahocGeorgetownRobinhood Cove on Route 127, at boat ramp, Georgetown Island, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000311
LincolnWiscassetSheepscot River, off Old Sheepscot Road, Rt 218, Wiscasset, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000311
LincolnWestport IslandSheepscot River, off Rt 144 on East Shore Road, near Kehail Point, Westport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000311
SagadahocPhippsburgMill Cove, Parker Head Road, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200039
SagadahocPhippsburgMill Pond on Parker Head Road, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200039
CumberlandBrunswickNewMeadows River on Leeman highway (at New Meadows Inn), Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200039
SagadahocBathNorth Bath boat ramp, next to Sewage Treatment Plant, Kennebec River, (North) Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200039
CumberlandPortlandFore River at Stroudwater Crossing, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000226
CumberlandPortlandFore River, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000226
CumberlandPortlandat Rt. 295/East Deering, Presumpscot River, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991231
CumberlandPortlandFore River at exit 5 bridge on rte 295, near West end, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991231
CumberlandFalmouthPresumpscot River at Rt. 9/295 bridge area, near Pleasant Hill, Falmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991231
CumberlandFalmouthPresumpscot River, Falmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991231
CumberlandFalmouthPresumpscot River, Presumpscot Falls Park, Falmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991231
CumberlandFreeportCousins River, Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991221
CumberlandFreeportmouth of Cousins River and at end of Bay View Road, South Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991220
CumberlandYarmouthRoyal River, Yarmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991220
SagadahocPhippsburgSebasco Harbor, at Sebasco Estates and boat ramp, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991217
SagadahocPhippsburgThe Basin, easternmost area near Basin Road and Pasture Road junction, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991217
SagadahocWest BathBack Cove, off of Hill Road, West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999125
CumberlandYarmouthDoyle Point, Cousins Island, Yarmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999123
CumberlandFalmouthMackworth Point, Casco Bay, Falmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999123
CumberlandFalmouthMussel Cove, Falmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999123
CumberlandHarpswell"Harpswell By The Sea Area", private development near Brickyard Cove, Sebascodegan Island, Quahog Bay, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991128
CumberlandHarpswellat boat ramp opposite Oakhurst Island Road, Cundy's Harbor, Sebascodegan Island Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991128
CumberlandFreeportFreeport Town Wharf, Sears Cove, Harraseeket River, (South) Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991128
CumberlandHarpswellnear Holbrook Store, Cundy's Corner, Sebascodegan Island, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991128
CumberlandFreeportSandy Beach Road, Harraseeket River, (South) Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991128
CumberlandBrunswickat private farmhouse, opposite Pennellville, Middle Bay Cove, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991120
CumberlandBrunswickoff of Simpson Point Road, Simpson Point, Merepoint Neck, Middle Bay, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991120
CumberlandFreeportCove Road Waterfront access (off Lower Mast Landing Road), Harraseeket River, Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999117
CumberlandFreeportWolf Neck boat ramp at Burnett Rd., Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999117
CumberlandBrunswickMerepoint Neck, near Sandpiper Lane and off Birch Island Road, Merepoint Bay, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999116
CumberlandBrunswickoff of Maquoit Road, Wharton Point, Maquoit Bay, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999116
WashingtonTrescottTimber Cove, Whiting Bay, Trescott, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991031
YorkKitterynear Warren's Restaurant, growing on pilings, Kittery, Maine I ?i.e. Piscataqua RiverUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991025
CumberlandHarpswellAsh Point Cove, (South) Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999918
CumberlandHarpswellBasin Cove, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999918
CumberlandBrunswickThomas Point, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999916
CumberlandHarpswellshoreline above the old Harpswell Laboratory, Potts Point, South Harpswell, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999916
CumberlandHarpswellat Tufts College Laboratory shoreline below laboratory area, Potts Point, Harpswell Neck, South Harpswell, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999826
CumberlandCape ElizabethCape Elizabeth Lighthouse, Cape Elizabeth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999717
CumberlandHarpswellat junction of Rt. 24 and Long Point Road, Sebascodegan Island, Quahog Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199978
CumberlandHarpswellat Great Island Boat Yard, at upper end of Quahog Bay, Orr's Cove, Sabascodegan I. (Great Island), Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999626
WashingtonTrescottMoose Cove, Trescott, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999615
WashingtonJonesportSandy River Beach, Jonesport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19981130
CumberlandYarmouthat Talbot Road area, near Cousin I., Little John Island, Yarmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998831
WashingtonBealsCape Cove, Great Wass Island, Beals, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199871
WashingtonPembrokeReversing Falls State Park, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998521
WashingtonBealsBlack Duck Cove, near Nature Conservancy's Great Wass I. Preserve, Beals, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998411
WashingtonJonesportSandy River Beach, Jonesport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998411
CumberlandBrunswickNew Meadows River at Thomas Point, Cooks Corner, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199838
LincolnWiscassetSheepscot River, near sewage treatment plant and adjacent to school, off Rt. 128, Wiscasset, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199838
LincolnWaldoboroBack River Cove boat ramp, Medomak River, Waldoboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199837
LincolnSouth BristolClark's Cove, Damariscotta River, Walpole, South Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199837
LincolnSouth BristolDamariscotta River at dock of Darling Marine Laboratory (University of Maine), South Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199837
SagadahocBathKennebec River, near boat ramp off High Street and near the Maine Maritime Museum, Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199837
KnoxSaint GeorgeSt. George River at Ripley Creek, opposite St. George School, St. George, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199837
KnoxNorth HavenKent Cove and west of Fish Point, North Haven, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199836
KnoxNorth HavenPulpit Harbor at mouth on the eastern side, North Haven, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199836
KnoxNorth HavenPulpit Harbor, near mouth of east side, North Haven, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199836
LincolnNewcastletidal portions of Sherman Lake, off Marsh River, Rt. 1, Newcastle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998227
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, @ a freshwater marsh approximately 0.23km upstream from the third tributary's mouth & near Brave Boat Harbor Road (i.e. W side), Kittery, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998221
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor, site #16 & innermost bridge pilings (i.e. Beddell Crossing) & near the mouth of a tidal rapids, Kittery, Maine 1.27 km inlandUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998221
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor, site T3a, about 0.06km upstream from the third major tributary's mouth & about 1.26km inland Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998221
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor, site T3c, about 0.23km upstream from the mouth of the third major tributary at first junction, about l.47km inland, Kittery, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998221
YorkYorksite #14, Brave Boat Harbor, @ mouth of small channel just downstream from the innermost bridge pilings (i.e. Beddell Crossing), York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998221
WashingtonPembrokeReversing Falls State Park, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998216
YorkKitteryapprox. 0.2km upstream (i.e.N) from Seapoint Road on a major tributary delineating Cutts I. Kittery, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998214
YorkKitteryupstream from first major tributary of Brave Boat Harbor, on the Cutts Island side near the first junction, Kittery, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998214
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor, site #4, Kittery side of outer harbor, just upstream from outermost bridge pilings & the mouth of a major tributary, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199821
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor, site #5, Kittery side of outer harbor on Cutts Island at outermost bridge pilings near the mouth (east side) of a major tributary delineating the island; 0.38km inland, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199821
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh at bridge off of Seapoint Road that crosses over the tidal tributary delineating Cutts Island, approximately 2.0 km inland from harbor mouth, Kittery, ME= site TljUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998131
YorkKitterynear bridge from Rt. 103 crossing Chauncey Creek on Gerrish I., Kittery, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998131
YorkYorksite T2a, Brave Boat Harbor marsh, approximately 0.23km upstream from the mouth of the second major tributary, being a tidal channel with contiguous salt marsh, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998131
YorkKitteryapproximately 0.15km due E of Seapoint Road bridge near Chauncey Creek, Kittery, ME =site T4b .University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998119
YorkKitterycontiguous marsh (E) of Chauncey Creek proper, near an oxbow & just before a major tidal junction; approximately 3.5km inland from the open coast near Sewards Cove, Kittery, Maine =site T4dUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998119
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, site T1b, approximately 0.912 kilometers upstream from harbor mouth and on the first major tributary delineating Cutts Island (at first major junction, south side), Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998118
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, site Tlc, approximatelv 0.96 km inland from harbor mouth on the first major tributary delineating Cutts Island (at first major junction, N side), Kittery, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998118
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor, on the Kittery side of the first major tributary delineating Cutts Island near an embayment, approximately O.53 kilometers inland, =site #T1a, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998118
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, approximately 1.55km inland from the harbor mouth @ the third major junction off the first tributary delineating Cutts Island, Kittery, ME= site TlgUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998118
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, approximately 0.06km upstream from the third major tributary's mouth (W side), Kittery, ME =site #T3aUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998117
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, approximately O.23km upstream from the third major tributary's mouth & near Brave Boat Harbor Road (i.e. W side), Kittery, ME =site T3cUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998117
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, at culvert, Brave Boat Harbor Rd., Kittery, ME, site #18University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998117
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, at innermost bridge pilings (i.e. Beddell Crossing) & near the mouth of a tidal rapids leading from a high & large tide pool, 1.27km inland, Kittery, Maine =site #16University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998117
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, approximatelv 0.1km upstream from the third major ~ tributary's mouth (E side), Kittery,ME =site T3bUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199814
YorkYorkBrave Boat Harbor marsh, site # 12, approximately 0.86 km inland from harbor mouth and just downstream from a small tributary on the northern (York) shoreline, York, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199814
YorkKitterysite #4, Kittery Side of outermost Brave Boat Harbor just upstream from the outermost bridge pilings & near the mouth of the first major tributary delineating Cutts Island; approximately 0.38 km inland from the mouth, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199814
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh at bridge off of Seapoint Road that crosses over the tidal tributary delineating Cutts Island, approximately 2.0 km inland from harbor mouth, Kittery, ME= site TljUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199813
YorkKitterySite #3, Brave Boat Harbor marsh, approximately 0.37km inland from mouth on Cutts Island near mouth of a sandy embayment, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199813
YorkYorkBrave Boat Harbor mouth, north side (York), near a berm and approx. 0.1km inlandUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199812
YorkYorksite #1, Brave Boat Harbor, York side of outermost portion, near coastal berm and approximately 0.1 km inland, York MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971226
YorkYorkBrave Boat Harbor, just downstream from the mouth of tributary #2 within and in payment area, approximately 1.23 km inland, York Maine, = site #15University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971222
YorkYorksite #10, Brave Boat Harbor marsh, approximately 0.67km inland from mouth of harbor and near the mouth of a small embayment, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971222
YorkYorkYork side of outermost Brave Boat Harbor, occurring at the mouth of a large sandy embayment and just downstream from outermost bridge pilings, York, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971222
YorkYorkBrave Boat Harbor marsh, approximately O.65km inland from mouth & somewhat diagonal (SW) from an embayment on the York (N) shoreline, Kittery,ME =site #9University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971221
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor, site #5, Kittery side of outer harbor on Cutts Island at outermost bridge pilings near the mouth (east side) of a major tributary delineating the island; 0.38km inland, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971221
WashingtonTrescottBaileys Mistake, Trescott, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997125
WashingtonCutlerMoney Cove at freshwater source, Cutler, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997125
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997123
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh,space 0.37 km inland from mouth on Cuts Island near the mouth of a sandy embayment, Kittery, Maine = site space #3University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971126
YorkKitterysite #4, Kittery Side of outermost Brave Boat Harbor just upstream from the outermost bridge pilings & near the mouth of the first major tributary delineating Cutts Island; approximately 0.38 km inland from the mouth, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971126
WashingtonLubecHuckins Ledge, Cobscook Bay, Eastport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971121
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, approximately 0.375 km inland from mouth on Cutts Island-i.e. between sites #3 & 4, Kittery, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971119
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor Marsh, approximately 0.375km inland from mouth on Cutts Island?i.e. between sites #3 & 4, Kittery, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971119
YorkKitterysite #4, Kittery Side of outermost Brave Boat Harbor just upstream from the outermost bridge pilings & near the mouth of the first major tributary delineating Cutts Island; approximately 0.38 km inland from the mouth, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971119
YorkKitteryBrave Boat Harbor marsh, site #9, approximately 0.65 km inland from mouth and somewhat diagonal (southwest) from an embayment on the York shoreline, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997112
HancockSedgwicknear Hales Road and Route 172, Salt Pond, Sedgwick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997823
LincolnWaldoboroMedomak River at Back Cove boat ramp, Cove Road, Waldoboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997810
LincolnWaldoboroWaldoboro town landing boat ramp, Medomak River, Waldoboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997810
LincolnDamariscottaSalt Bay, at Rt. 1 and entrance near Glidden Point, Damariscotta, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199783
SagadahocPhippsburgParker Head, Kennebec River, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997717
CumberlandBrunswickLeeman Highway, New Meadow River, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997716
CumberlandCape ElizabethCape Elizabeth Light, Cape Elizabeth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997621
SagadahocWest BathNew Meadows River at Leeman Highway, West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997428
LincolnNewcastleSW side of Salt Bay, Newcastle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997328
SagadahocWest BathNew Meadows River at Leeman Highway, West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997319
WashingtonPembrokeReversing Falls Park, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19961026
WashingtonPembrokeWilbur Neck, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19961026
LincolnWiscassetBack River, at Route 144 and Cowseagan Narrows, Wiscasset, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996922
HancockWinter HarborSchoodic Point, Winter Harbor, Acadia national Park, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996823
LincolnBristolPemaquid Point, Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199688
CumberlandFalmouthmouth of the Presumpscot River and Route 1 bridge opposite Martin and Mackworth Points, Falmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996726
LincolnWestport IslandBack River off West Shore Road and Rt. 144, Westport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996622
LincolnWestport IslandJewett Cove, Sheepscot River, Westport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996622
LincolnWestport IslandMcCarthy Cove, Sheepscot River, off a dirt road and Rt. 144, Westport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996622
LincolnWiscassetSheepscot River at bridge and boat ramp, Wiscasset, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996622
LincolnWestport IslandSheepscot River off Rt. 144 near Sheepscot Marine Co., North of Colby Cove, Westport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996622
LincolnWestport IslandSheepscot River, off East Shore Road and Rt 144, opposite Upper Mark Island, Westport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996622
SagadahocGeorgetownLittle Hell Gate, opposite Beal Island, at end of Webber Road, Sasanoa River, Robinhood, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996619
SagadahocGeorgetownRobinhood Cove off the Sasanoa River at bridge (Rt. 127), Georgetown Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996619
SagadahocArrowsicSasanoa River on Arrowsic Island opposite Flying Point, off Old Stage Road, Arrowsic, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996619
SagadahocBathKennebec River (West Branch) on North Bath Road, Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996613
SagadahocBathKennebec River at Whiskeag Creek, North Bath, Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996613
SagadahocPhippsburgParker Head Road at bridge opposite Squirrel Point Light, Kennebec River, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996613
SagadahocPhippsburgshore opposite Park Head at breakwater, Kennebec River, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996613
CumberlandHarpswellat Dingley Island Bridge, New Meadows River, Sebascodegan, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996611
CumberlandYarmouthLittle John Island, Casco Bay, Yarmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996522
CumberlandFreeportnear Mast Landing Sanctuary, Mill Stream, Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996522
SagadahocWest BathNew Meadows River at boat ramp off Leeman Highway, West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996522
LincolnDamariscottaDamariscotta Reversing Falls, Damariscotta River, Damariscotta, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996518
LincolnDamariscottaGlidden Point, Damariscotta River, at entrance to Salt Bay, Damariscotta, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996518
LincolnNewcastleSalt Bay, SW side, Damariscotta River, Newcastle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996518
WashingtonTrescottCrows Neck at end of Crows Neck Road, Trescott, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996516
KnoxSaint GeorgeSt. George River near Fort St. George (junction of Rts. 131 and 273), St. George, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996515
HancockMount DesertBracy Cove, town of Mount Desert, Mount Desert Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199655
KnoxThomastonMill River Bridge on Rt. 1/131, Thomaston, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199655
KnoxThomastonMill River mouth, at RR bridge, Thomaston, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199655
KnoxSaint GeorgeOtis Cove off of Turkey Road, St. George River, Port Clyde, St. George, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199655
KnoxWarrenSt. George River at Rt. 1 bridge, (South) Warren, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199655
KnoxSaint GeorgeTurkey Cove, St. George river off of Turkey Road, Port Clyde, St. George, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199655
WaldoBelfastCity Point, Passagassawakeag River, Belfast, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199654
WaldoBelfastPassagassawakeag River near "Head of Tide" at Waldo Avenue Extension Bridge by Route 7, Belfast, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199654
HancockCastineMorse Cove, Penobscot River, Castine, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996420
HancockCastineBagaduce River Narrows near junction of Rt. 166 & 199, Castine, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996420
HancockPenobscotJohnson Point, Bagaduce River, South Penobscot, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996420
WashingtonHarringtonColes Point, Harrington River, Harrington, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996419
WashingtonJonesboroKilton Point boat ramp on Chandler River, Jonesboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996419
WashingtonHarringtonOak Point, near boat ramp, Flat Bay, Harrington, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996419
WashingtonAddisonPleasant River at Knowles Brook, Addison, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996419
WashingtonRoque BluffsRoque Bluffs State Park, Englishman's Bay, Roque Bluffs, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996419
WashingtonMilbridgeNarraguagus River at Rt 1 (1A? -see note) bridge, Milbridge, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996418
WashingtonMilbridgeNarraguagus River, off of Kansas Road, Milbridge, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996418
WashingtonCalaisSt. Croix River opposite Washington County Technical College, Calais, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996418
HancockLamoineMarlboro Beach off of Route 204, Lamoine, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996418
HancockHancocknear junction of Route 1 and 182, Franklin Road and Kilkanny Cove, Hancock, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996418
LincolnWaldoboroWaldoboro boat ramp, Medomak River, Waldoboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996417
YorkYorkCape Neddick River at River Road bridge, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199645
YorkYorkmouth of Cape Neddick River at campground (Route 1A), York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199645
HancockDeer IsleLittle Deer Isle at entrance via Rt. 15 bridge, Deer Isle, Penobscot Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996325
WashingtonTrescottHancock Harbor at Rt. 1, Trescott ?, ME -please see noteUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996324
WashingtonMachiasportLittle Bay area, off of Cutler Road, Machiasport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996324
WashingtonTrescottMoose Cove at Rt. 191, Trescott, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996324
WashingtonLubecoff of Lead Mine Road, Lubec, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996324
WashingtonEdmunds Townshipat R. Friedman Field Station (Suffolk University), north of Cobscook State Park Boat Ramp and opposite Crows Neck, Edmunds, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996324
WaldoIslesboroBroad Cove, Islesboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996315
KnoxVinalhavenLanes Island Preserve, Penobscot Bay, Vinalhaven, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996314
WashingtonAddisonMoose Neck, Pleasant Bay, South Addison, Addison, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996313
HancockSwans Islandin front of Fisherman's Cooperative, Burntcoat Harbor, Swan's Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996312
WashingtonLubecFederal Harbor area off Straight Bay Road, Denbow Neck, Lubec, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996311
WashingtonBealsGreat Wass Island, near Norton Point, Beals, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996224
WashingtonLubecLubec Neck Town Landing, Lubec, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996223
WashingtonTrescottMoose Cove, Trescott, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996223
SagadahocPhippsburgHead Beach, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199629
SagadahocBathKennebec River, near Bath Iron Works, Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996125
LincolnEdgecombDamariscotta River off of Merry Island Road and at a private home "Pirate's Retreat" near Bennett Neck, (East) Edgecomb, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951229
LincolnBoothbaySpruce Shores, Linekin Bay, East Boothbay, Boothbay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995126
CumberlandBrunswickopposite White Island & beyond Eider Point Cove Road, Merepoint Neck on Merepoint Bay, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995124
CumberlandFreeportat end of Flying Point Road, Little Flying Point Campground, (Wolf Neck), Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995122
CumberlandFreeportWolf Neck Boat Ramp, Maquoit Bay, Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995122
LincolnBoothbay Harbordowntown area near walkway, Boothbay Harbor, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951120
LincolnSouthportexposed west side, Newagen, Southport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951120
LincolnSouthportHendrick's Head Light, Southport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951120
LincolnEdgecombEddy Cove off of Shore Road, Edgecomb, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995111
LincolnBoothbayOvens Mouth River at Ovens Mouth Preserve, off of Dover Cross Road, Boothbay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995111
LincolnEdgecombParsons Creek bridge area, off of Cross River and Mill Rds, Edgecomb, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995111
SagadahocBathKennbec River, at boat ramp just down river from Bath Iron Works, Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951029
SagadahocGeorgetownboat ramp on Robinhood Cove at Route 127, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951027
SagadahocGeorgetownReid State Park, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951027
SagadahocGeorgetownRobinhood Marina, Robinhood Cove, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951027
LincolnBristolNew Harbor, at corner near South Side Road, Pemaquid, Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951021
KnoxVinalhavenLanes Island Preserve, Vinalhaven, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951020
WashingtonPembrokeWilbur Neck, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995108
HancockWinter HarborSchoodic Point, Schoodic Peninsula, Winter Harbor, MeUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995108
WaldoIslesboroCrow Cove opposite "The Narrows", Penobscot Bay, Islesboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995929
LincolnNewcastleDodge Point, Damariscotta River at Maine Bureau of Public Lands and Conservation site, Newcastle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995929
SagadahocPhippsburgSebasco Harbor boat ramp off Route 127, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199599
CumberlandBrunswickNew Meadows River at Thomas Point, Cooks Corner, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995827
CumberlandChebeague IslandChandler Cove Wharf, (Great) Chebeague Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995816
LincolnDamariscottaGlidden Point at entrance to Salt Bay, Damariscotta, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995814
SagadahocWest BathNew Meadow River, at Lehman Highway, Route 24. West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995814
SagadahocWest BathNew Meadows River at Route 24, West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995814
CumberlandBrunswickBunganuc Landing, Maquoit Bay, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995812
CumberlandFreeportnear Recompense Shore Campsite, Wolf Neck boat ramp (i.e. "carrying place"), Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995812
CumberlandFreeportWolf Neck State Park, Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995812
CumberlandPortlandStinky Beach, a cove North of the Bluffs and a park area, Cliff Island, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199584
CumberlandPortlandcove between Little & Great Diamond Island, (i.e. Casco Bay), Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199583
CumberlandHarpswellbridge at RT. 24, Bailey I., Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995730
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswell Sound off of Mountain Road and next to the town offices, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995730
CumberlandHarpswellMiddle Bay, Lookout Point boat ramp, (Center) Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995730
CumberlandBrunswickThomas Point Beach, Thomas Bay, New Meadows River, Cooks Corner, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995730
LincolnBristolPemaquid Point, Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995719
SagadahocArrowsicBack River, under bridge at Route 127, Arrowsic, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995717
YorkYorkjunction of River and Clark Rds on the Cape Neddick River (0.6 miles upstream from mouth), York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995710
HancockEllsworthwaterfront park/boat ramp, Ellsworth Union River, Ellsworth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199579
HancockBlue HillMcHeard Cove, East Blue Hill, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199579
WashingtonEdmunds Townshipat R. Friedman Field Station (Suffolk University) North of Cobscook State Park Boat ramp and opposite Crows Neck, Edmunds, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199577
KnoxSaint GeorgeTenants Harbor boat ramp and town landing, next to Cod End Seafood Restaurant, St. George, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199573
LincolnNobleboroDamariscotta Mills, Nobleboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995620
WaldoBelfastGoose River at old hydrodam off of Route 1, Belfast, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995620
WaldoNorthportLittle River at Rt. 1, Northport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995620
HancockDeer Islein front of Lobster Pool take out and restaurant, Blaston Cove, Little Deer Isle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995619
HancockDeer IsleNW tip of Deer Isle at causeway (Rt. 15) and near Ferry Road, Deer Isle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995619
HancockBrooksvilleBagaduce River at town landing, Lord's Cove, Brooksville, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995619
HancockBrooksvilleOrcutt Harbor on Route 176, Brooksville, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995619
HancockBrooksvilleGoose Falls, Cape Rosier, Brooksville, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995618
HancockOrlandOrland River off of Castine Road and S of Cranes Corner, Orland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995618
HancockVerona IslandNE corner of Verona Island, Verona, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995618
WaldoStockton Springsembayment/bridge area off of West Cape Road, Cape Jellison, Stockton Springs, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995618
KnoxCushingBroad Cove off of Rt. 97, Cushing, MeUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995617
KnoxCushingMaple Juice Cove off of Pleasant Road at junction of Cushing Road, Cushing, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995617
LincolnDamariscottaDamariscotta Reversing Falls at Business Rt. 1, Damariscotta River, Damariscotta, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995616
LincolnDamariscottaGlidden Point, mouth of Salt Bay, Damariscotta, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995614
CumberlandBrunswickSimpson Point, Merepoint Bay, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995613
CumberlandBrunswickWharton Point, Maquoit Bay, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995613
SagadahocPhippsburgHead Beach, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995610
CumberlandSouth Portlandjust in from Fort Preble and near boat ramp area, mouth of the Fore River, South Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995519
LincolnBoothbaytidal pond, East Boothbay, Boothbay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995519
CumberlandCape ElizabethSpurwink Creek at Rt. 77 bridge, Cape Elizabeth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199556
YorkSacoCamp Ellis, mouth of the Saco River, Saco, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199555
YorkYorkEast Point near Stage Neck, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199554
YorkOld Orchard BeachGoose Fare Brook, Old Orchard Beach, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199553
YorkWellsbridge/ culvert area on Webhannet Marsh off of Drake Island Road, Wells, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199551
YorkKennebunkMousam River marsh, at first bridge back from Parsons Beach, Kennebunk, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199551
YorkKennebunkParsons Beach, near the mouth of the Mousam River, Kennebunk, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199551
SagadahocWest BathNew Meadows River at Route 1, West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995426
SagadahocWest BathOld Bath Road, New Meadows River, West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995426
SagadahocWest BathNew Meadows River at culvert off of Bath Road/Leeman Highway, West Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995426
SagadahocGeorgetownReid State Park, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995426
YorkOgunquitOgunquit Beach, Ogunquit, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995423
WashingtonJonesportIndian River off Rt 187, Jonesport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995418
HancockFranklincove near Hatch Point on Taunton Bay and off of Hog Bay Road, Franklin, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995418
HancockHancockCarrying Place Inlet, connecting Youngs and Taunton Bays, near Cedar Point, Hancock, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995418
HancockBar HarborIndian Point at Blagden Preserve, Western Bay, Mount Desert Island, Bar Harbor, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995418
HancockMount DesertPretty Marsh Harbor at Indian Point Road, Mount Desert, Mount Desert Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995418
LincolnBoothbayOcean Point, Boothbay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995418
WashingtonWhitingLeighton Cove near the junction of Rts. 1 and 189, Whiting, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995417
WashingtonWhitingmouth of Holmes Stream on Holmes Bay off of Rt. 191, Whiting, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995417
WashingtonJonesportSandy River Beach off of Rt 187, Jonesport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995417
WashingtonSteubenPinkham Bay boat ramp off of Dyer Bay Road, Steuben, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995416
WashingtonSteubenStanley Cove, Dyer Neck, Steuben, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995416
HancockFranklinjust beyond junction of Rts. 188/200 (i.e. off Taunton Bay), Franklin, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995415
HancockDeer IsleSunshine, Stinson Neck, Deer Isle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995415
HancockStoningtonBurnt Cove, Stonington, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995415
HancockDeer IsleGrey Cove, Deer Isle, Deer Isle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995415
HancockSedgwickSalt Pond at junction of Hales Hill Road and Rt. 172, Sedgwick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995415
HancockFranklinMill Brook, Taunton Bay, West Franklin, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995415
YorkKennebunkportGoose Rock Beach and adjacent marsh, Kennebunkport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199549
YorkSouth BerwickSalmon Falls River at Hamilton House, South Berwick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199548
HancockBar HarborHulls Cove, Bar Harbor, Mount Desert Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199543
WashingtonBealsNW tip of Great Wass Island (just before bridge to Beal Island), Beals, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199542
WashingtonWhitingHolmes Stream off of Rt. 191, Whiting, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199542
WashingtonCutlerLittle River, headwaters of at Rt 191, Cutler, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199542
WashingtonTrescottMoose Cove, Trescott, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199542
WashingtonJonesportnear Sawyer Cove boat ramp, Jonesport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199542
HancockMount Desertat Rt. 102 within the tidal stream below dam (near library), Somesville, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995325
HancockMount DesertNortheast Harbor, Mount Desert, Mount Desert Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995325
HancockBlue HillCarleton Stream at entrance from Billings Pond into Salt Cove off Carleton Island, Blue Hill, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199534
HancockSedgwickstream from Billings Pond entering Salt Pond, i.e. off Rt. 172, Sedgwick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199534
HancockBrooksvilleGoose Falls on Cape Rosier, Brooksville, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994116
HancockBrooksvilleBagaduce Falls, North Brooksville, Penobscot Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994116
HancockPenobscotend of Johnson Point, Bagaduce River, Penobscot, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994115
HancockPenobscotNorthern Bay at South Penobscot boat ramp, junction of Rts. 177/175, i.e. Bagaduce River, Penobscot, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994115
LincolnDamariscottaSalt Bay at Rt. 1 bridge near Glidden Point (and oyster middens), Damariscotta, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994115
LincolnNewcastleSW side of Salt Bay off of Mills Road, opposite Glidden Point, Newcastle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994115
LincolnNobleborotidal dam at Damariscotta Mills, Salt Bay, Nobleboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994115
LincolnNobleboroOyster Creek, Salt Bay, Nobleboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994114
WashingtonPembrokeWilbur Neck at Youngs Cove, Dennys Bay, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994109
SagadahocGeorgetownGoose Rock Passage, junction of Sasanoa and Little Sheepscot Rivers, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994102
SagadahocGeorgetownnorth end of Beal Island and in the middle of the Hellsgate area, Sasanoa River, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994102
SagadahocGeorgetownsouth tip of Beals Island and south of the Hellsgate area, Sasanoa River, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994102
HancockStoningtonthe harbor near Green Head/Landing, Stonington, Deer Isle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994911
WaldoBelfastGoose Neck tributary off of Passagassawakeag River, near Patterson Point and at the entrance to Belfast Bay, Belfast, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994911
WaldoNorthportSaturday Cove at Rt. 1 bridge, Northport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994911
LincolnWiscassetChewonki Campground waterfront up to Hoyt's Point, Back River (off of Sheepscot River), Wiscasset, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994826
HancockSouthwest HarborBass Harbor marsh area (i.e. road culvert----marsh), Mount Desert Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994824
WashingtonCutlerheadwaters of Little River and Rt 191, Cutler, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994821
WashingtonRobbinstonboat ramp and picnic facility off of Rt. 1 (just south of Redclyffe Motel), Robbinston, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994820
WashingtonMachiasheadwater of Machias River at Rts 1 and 192 (i.e. Bad Little Falls Park), Machias, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994820
WashingtonMachiasportMachiasport Station Bridge off Rt 1, Machiasport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994820
WashingtonCalaisnear the Information Center and just up from St. Stevens Customs Bridge, St. Croix River, Calais, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994820
WashingtonCalaisRed Beach, opposite St. Croix International Historic site, St. Croix River, Calais, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994820
WashingtonPembrokeend of Hersey Neck Road near Garnet Point and the mouth of the Pennamaquan River, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994819
WashingtonPembrokeHersey Point off the Pennamaquan River, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994819
WashingtonPembrokeLeighton Neck Road opposite Hersey Point, Pennamaquan River, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994819
WashingtonRobbinstonMill Cove at Rt. 1, Robbinston, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994819
WashingtonPerrymouth of Little River, Gleason Cove, Perry, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994819
WashingtonPembrokeReversing Falls area off Leighton Neck, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994819
KnoxThomastonMill River at Rt. 1/131 bridge, Thomaston, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994816
KnoxWarrenMill River, mouth of, just past the RR track and at the end of Knox Street, (South) Warren, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994816
KnoxSaint GeorgeSt. George River, at end of Paulson Road and just before Rt. 131 (i.e. at junction), St. George, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994816
KnoxSaint GeorgeTurkey Cove off of Turkey Road and the St. George River, St. George, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994816
LincolnWaldoboroat a boat ramp near the Osborn Finch Preserve, off Dutch Neck Road, Medomak River, Waldoboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994815
LincolnWaldoboroheadwaters of the Medomak River, at 'Kaler's Corner' bridge, Waldoboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994815
HancockHancockat a boat launching ramp, headwaters of the Skillings River at Route 1, Hancock, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994814
HancockLamoineat an undesignated "boat ramp" near Marlboro Beach/Racoon Cove & at the mouth of the Skillings River, Lamoine, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994814
HancockEllsworthat the end of Laurel Street, just north and opposite Ellsworth boat ramp off Rt. 172University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994814
HancockBucksportBucksport boat ramp, opposite Fort Knox and Prospect Ferry, Penobscot River, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994813
WaldoBelfastPassagassawakeag River At Route 1 bridge, Belfast, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994813
LincolnBristolRound Pond boat ramp off Rt. 32, Muscongus Sound, Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994813
SagadahocBathcove at the West Branch of the Kennebec River, off of Varney Mill Road and a freshwater habitat, (North) Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994812
SagadahocBathboat ramp at Washington Street on Kennebec River, North Bath, Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994812
SagadahocBathWhiskeag Creek off of the Kennebec River, (North) Bath, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994812
LincolnNobleborotidal dam at Damariscotta Mills, Salt Bay, Nobleboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994811
YorkWellsapproximately mid-way between the mouth of the Little River and its dichotomy into the Merriland River and the Branch Brook, Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wells, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199489
YorkWellsnear the mouth of the Little River, including the adjacent salt marsh, Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wells, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199489
YorkWellsWebhannet River near the junction of Mile Road and Beach Road, Wells, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199488
CumberlandFreeportCousins River, Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199486
SagadahocPhippsburgMorse Cove Boat Ramp, Reach Road, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199486
SagadahocPhippsburgopposite Parker Head on Mill Pond and a little North of Fort Popham, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199486
SagadahocPhippsburgopposite Squirrel Point Light and Goat Island, Kennebec River, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199486
CumberlandBrunswickBoat ramp at Harding Road, Cooks Corner, New Meadows River, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994731
CumberlandHarpswellNew Meadows River, Dingley Island, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994731
CumberlandHarpswelloff of the New Meadow's River, Cundy's Harbor, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994731
CumberlandFreeportPorter's Landing, Harraseeket River, Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994731
CumberlandFreeportWinslow Park, (mouth) Harraseeket River, (South) Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994731
CumberlandYarmouth(mouth) Royal River, Bay View Road, Yarmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994728
CumberlandYarmoutha boat ramp area at the Rt. 95 bridge opposite Lower Falls Landing, Yarmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994728
CumberlandPortlandBack Bay area at the end of the Fore River, just west of Rt. 1 and at Payson Park, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994728
CumberlandSouth PortlandPleasantdale Cove area, Fore River, (South) Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994727
CumberlandScarborough0.3 miles East of Scarborough Marsh Nature Center, Scarborough, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994724
WashingtonMilbridge0.25 miles upstream from Rt. 1A off of Kansas Road, Narraguagus River, Milbridge, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994722
WashingtonHarringtonan embayment area on Mill River opposite from Oak Point and off of Rays Point Road, Harrington, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994722
WashingtonAddisonat boat ramp on west branch of the Pleasant River leading into Branch Brook, Addison Rd., Addison, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994722
WashingtonMilbridgeat Rt 1A bridge on Narraguagus River, Milbridge, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994722
WashingtonAddisonbridge at Knowles Brook, Addison, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994722
WashingtonHarringtonHarrington River near Coles Point, Harrington, ME (bridge/culvert area off of Ripley Neck Road)University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994722
WashingtonHarringtonOak Point, near a boat ramp and at the mouth of the Mill River, Harrington, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994722
WashingtonMilbridgeRay Point, end of Rays Point Rd mouth of the Harrington River, Milbridge, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994722
HancockWinter Harbortip of Schoodic Peninsula near Big Moose Island, Winter Harbor, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994721
WashingtonColumbia Fallsat headwaters of Pleasant River, Columbia Falls, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994720
WashingtonCherryfieldNarraguagus River at headwaters near Cherryfield Town Hall, i.e. below Rt. 1 bridge, Cherryfield, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994719
WashingtonHarringtonRipley Cove on the Harrington River side of Ripley Neck (facing Ray Pt.), Harrington, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994719
WashingtonMilbridgeend of Fickett Point Road and the mouth of the Narraguagus River, Milbridge, ME (opposite Long Point)University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994718
YorkKennebunkheadwaters of the Mousam River at Maine Street and Water Street, Kennebunk, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994716
YorkKennebunkportKennebunk River at junction of River and Arundel Roads, Kennebunk, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994716
YorkKennebunkKennebunk River at Route 1 bridge, Kennebunk, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994716
YorkKennebunkKennebunk River at Route 9 bridge, Kennebunk, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994716
YorkKennebunkMousam River, at Captain's Landing Development, i.e. 1.2 miles north of Main Street on Brown Street, Kennebunk, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994716
LincolnWestport IslandBrooks Cove, sheltered cove near Goose Rock Passage at the end of Westport Island, Westport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994714
LincolnEdgecombFort Edgecomb on Davis Island on the Sheepscot River, Edgecomb, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994714
LincolnWestport Islandoff of East River Road, opposite Upper Mark Island, at a private house/pier, Westport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994714
LincolnNewcastleSherman Lake area (dam), a backwater area off the Marsh River, tributary of the Sheepscot River, Newcastle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994714
YorkKennebunkKennebunk River at Durrel's Bridge, between Route 35 and Old River Road, Kennebunk, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994711
YorkKennebunkportmouth of the Kennebunk River, on the inside part of the breakwater, Kennebunkport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994711
YorkYorkCape Neddick River at bridge on Rt. 1 (just north of River Road), York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994710
YorkYorkCape Neddick River, approximately 7.0 miles upstream from Route 1a on River Road, Cape Neddick, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994710
YorkYorkCape Neddick River, approximately 8.5 miles upstream from Route 1a on River Road, Cape Neddick, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994710
YorkYorkat the mouth of the Cape Neddick River, Cape Neddick Campground @ Rt. 1A bridge and adjacent sandy/rocky beach, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994710
SagadahocGeorgetownReid State Park, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994630
YorkBiddefordi.e. Saco River, on docks of the University of New England campus, Biddeford, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994628
YorkSacomouth of the Saco River at Camp Ellis Breakwater, Saco, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994628
YorkSacotidal headwater of Saco River, just below dam on Front Street, Saco, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994628
YorkBiddefordBiddeford Pool at end of 3rd Street, between East and South Points, Biddeford, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994626
YorkBiddefordi.e. mouth of the Saco River and at end of an old dirt road/salt marsh area, Northwest side of Biddeford Pool, Biddeford, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994626
YorkBiddefordi.e. on the Saco River, near a public boat ramp near Guinea Road, Biddeford, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994626
YorkBiddefordnear the dock at the University of New England, Saco River, Biddeford, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994626
LincolnSouth BristolClark's Cove, Damariscotta River, Walpole, South Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994618
LincolnSouth BristolRt. 129 near Cove Side Marina and Restaurant, South Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994618
LincolnNobleborotidal dam near Damariscotta Mills, Nobleboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994618
LincolnNewcastleSW side of Salt Bay, Newcastle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994615
LincolnSouth Bristoltip of South Bristol Peninsula, Damariscotta River, South Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994615
KnoxMatinicus Isle PlantationWooden Ball Island, exposed (eastern) side, Matinicus Isle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)198668
KnoxMatinicus Isle PlantationWooden Ball Island, Matinicus Isle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)198562
YorkYorkYork River Estuary, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19841214
YorkKitteryYork River Estuary, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1984121
WashingtonBealsLittle Cape Point, Great Wass Island, Washington Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1979723
WashingtonLubecQuoddy HeadUniversity of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, Algae Collection (VT)197856
YorkYorksite #12, North bank of York River opposite Ramshead Pt, near private dock, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorksite #12, North bank of York River, opposite Ramshead Pt (near private dock), York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorksite #15, North bank of York River at I-95 bridge, extensive mudflats with cobbles and bigger rocks around the bridge pilings, little spartina presentUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorkSite #15, York River, north bank of York River at I-95 bridge, extensive mudflats with cobbles and bigger rocks around the bridge pilings, little spartina presentUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorksite #11, North bank of York River just approaching Ramshead Pt, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorksite #17, York River, north bank between I-95 and Scotland Bridge at a fresh-water inlet, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorksite 317, North bank of York River between I-95 and Scotland Bridge at a freshwater inlet, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorkstation #16, north bank of capital York River just above I-95 at a big freshwater inlet; extensive mud flats with scattered rocks; Spartina banksUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorksite #9, North bank of York River just upstream from Sewall Bridge, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorksite #19, North bank of York River at Scotland Bridge on Birch Hill Rd, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978316
YorkKitteryJerry's Marina, mouth of the Piscataqua River, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977914
YorkSouth BerwickSalmon Falls River, east bank just upstream from the Eliot Bridge crossing the river, South Berwick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977822
YorkElioteast bank of the Piscataqua River, just upstream from Adlington Creek and near a large public dockUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977817
YorkEliotPiscataqua River, east bank opposite the Sullivan Bridge,University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977817
YorkKitteryAppledore Island, Isles of Shoals, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977817
YorkKitteryDuck Island, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977817
YorkSouth BerwickSalmon Falls River, east bank just above Leigh Mill Pond, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977726
YorkSouth BerwickSalmon Falls River, east bank just above Leigh Mill Pond, South Berwick, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977726
YorkKitteryMalaga Island, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977527
YorkKitterySmuttynose Island, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19761119
YorkSouth Berwickheadwaters of the tidal portion of the Salmon Falls River below the dam at Portland Avenue (Route 4), South Berwick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19761019
LincolnSouth BristolFoster Pt., South Bristol, Lincoln Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1976811
YorkYorkupper intertidal pool, Boon Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1976630
YorkKitterySmuttynose Island, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1976416
SagadahocPhippsburgMalaga Island, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1976416
WashingtonHarringtonHarrington MarshUniversity of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1974524
YorkEliotstation # 21 , near the Schiller Power Plant, EliotUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19701116
YorkKitterystation # 19 , Piscataqua River , opposlte from the Schiller Power Plant - on the Maine side of the river, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1970115
YorkEliotstation #23, near the Schiller Power PlantUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1970910
YorkOgunquitBald Head Cliff (attached), Ogunquit, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19681020
YorkOgunquitattached to rock, Bald Head Cliff, Ogunquit, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1968812
YorkSouth BerwickSalmon Falls River, Hamilton House Station, 1 miles south of South BerwickUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1968530
YorkOgunquittide pool five, attached to rock, Bald Head Cliff, Ogunquit, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1968513
YorkSouth BerwickSalmon Falls River-Hamilton House-South Berwick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1968411
YorkOgunquitBald Head Cliffs, Ogunquit, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966817
YorkKitterySmuttynose Island, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966616
YorkOgunquitBald Head Cliff, Ogunquit, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)196667
WashingtonTrescottCrows Neck, Trescott, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966522
WashingtonLubecPirate Creek Estuary, North Lubec, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966521
WashingtonLubecPirate Creek, North Lubec, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966521
WashingtonLubecPirates Creek, North Lubec estuary, Lubec, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966521
YorkYorkNubble Island, York Beach, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)196654
YorkYorkNubble Island, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)196654
YorkYorkNubble Point, York MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)196654
YorkYorkNubble Point, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)196654
YorkYorkNubble Light, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)196654
YorkEliotSearles Cove, Piscataqua River, Eliot, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966430
YorkSouth BerwickSalmon Falls River, Hamilton Brook, South Berwick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966417
YorkEliotPiscataqua River, (south of Tidy Road), Eliot, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966410
CumberlandFalmouthFalmouth Town Landing at Rt. 88, Falmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1955812
HancockBar HarborNear Thunder Hole, Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, MEUniversity of Massachusetts - Amherst (MASS)1953826
SagadahocPhippsburgSmall Point, Phippsburg, Sagadoahoc Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)194659
HancockMount DesertMount Desert, MEBrown University (BRU)192091
HancockTremontSeal Cove, Mount DesertUniversity of Michigan (MICH)192091
KnoxRockportRockport, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)191597
KnoxRockporton mud, upper littoralThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)191597
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)191595
KnoxSouth ThomastonSouth Thomaston, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)191595
KnoxSouth ThomastonSouthThomastonUniversity of Michigan (MICH)191595
CumberlandHarpswellpools, marsh at Stover's PointThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1905717
CumberlandHarpswellOld Tide Mill, South Harpswell, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)1902717
WashingtonBealsupper pool, Brownie Island, JonesportThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1902713
KnoxSaint GeorgeBurnt IslandField Museum of Natural History (F)1902712
KnoxSaint GeorgeBurnt IslandThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1902712
HancockMount DesertLong Pond, Mount Desert IslandThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1900711
HancockFrenchboroDuck IslandField Museum of Natural History (F)190070
HancockFrenchboroDuck IslandThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)190070
YorkWellsDrake's IslandField Museum of Natural History (F)18991211
YorkWellsDrake's Island, Well's BeachThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)18991211
HancockMount DesertThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1899716
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)1897712
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, near high water markThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1897712
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, MEBrown University (BRU)189670
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, MEDrexel University, Academy of Natural Sciences (PH)189670
HancockBrooksvilleCape RosierField Museum of Natural History (F)189670
HancockUnknownNo location detail given at macroalgal herbarium portalField Museum of Natural History (F)189670
HancockBrooksvilleCape RosierMiami University (MU)189670
HancockBrooksvilleCape RosierMichigan State University (MSC)189670
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, in pools between tide marksThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)189670
HancockBrooksvilleCape RosierUniversity of Michigan (MICH)189670
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, MEYale University Herbarium (YPM-YU)189670
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, MEUniversity of Connecticut (CONN)189570
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEBrown University (BRU)189470
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEDrexel University, Academy of Natural Sciences (PH)189470
HancockDeer IslePenobscot Bay, Eagle Island, on perpendicular and overhanging cliffsThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)189470
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEUniversity of Connecticut (CONN)189470
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot BayUniversity of Michigan (MICH)189470
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEYale University Herbarium (YPM-YU)189470
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)18947
HancockDeer IsleEagle IslandField Museum of Natural History (F)18947
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot BayField Museum of Natural History (F)18947
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot BayMichigan State University (MSC)18947
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot BayMiami University (MU)18947
HancockDeer IsleEagle IslandThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)189270
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot BayUniversity of Michigan (MICH)189270
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot Bay.University of Washington (WTU)189270
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEUniversity of Massachusetts - Amherst (MASS)18927
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, MEYale University Herbarium (YPM-YU)18927
HancockDeer IsleEagle IslandField Museum of Natural History (F)18927
HancockDeer IsleEagle IslandThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)18927
HancockDeer IsleEagle IslandButler University (BUT)18927
HancockDeer IsleEagle IslandButler University (BUT)1892
HancockDeer IsleEagle IslandThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)189170
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Deer Isle, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)189170
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, MEBrown University (BRU)18917
HancockDeer IsleLagoon, Eagle Island, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)18917
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot Bay, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)18917
HancockSouthwest HarborSea Wall, Mount Desert, MENew England Botanical Club (NEBC)189088
HancockSouthwest HarborSouthwest Harbor, Mount Desert, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)189082
HancockSouthwest HarborSouthwest Harbor, Mount DesertUniversity of Michigan (MICH)189082
HancockSouthwest HarborNorwood Cove, Mount Desert Island, MENew England Botanical Club (NEBC)189022
HancockMount DesertSeal Harbor, MENew England Botanical Club (NEBC)18892424
WaldoNorthportSaturday CoveThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1887824
KnoxCamdenPenobscot Bay, Camden, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)18519
HancockBrooksvilleCape Rosier, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)000
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot BayUniversity of New Brunswick Fredericton (UNB(CEMAR))000
HancockDeer IsleEagle IslandThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)0
HancockDeer IsleEagle Island, Penobscot BayThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)0
YorkKennebunkMousam River at Route 9, Kennebunk, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)0

CountyTownshipLocationReference TitleYearCitation
CumberlandThe marine algae of Casco Bay1911Collins, F.S.. 1911. The marine algae of Casco Bay. Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History 2(9):257-282
WashingtonEastportMarine algae of New England and adjacent coast1879Farlow, W.G.. 1881. Marine algae of New England and adjacent coast.
YorkYorkInvestigations of New England marine algae IV. The ecology and seasonal succession of tide pool algae at Bald head Cliff, York, Maine, USA1968Femino, R.J. and A.C. Mathieson. 1980. Investigations of New England marine algae IV. The ecology and seasonal succession of tide pool algae at Bald head Cliff, York, Maine, USA. Botanica Marina 23:319-332
WashingtonJonesportA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1871Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockMount DesertA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1890Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockLamoineA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1896Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockSouthwest HarborA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1897Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonMachiasportA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1966Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonMilbridgeA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1966Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonCutlerA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1967Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockBar HarborA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1967Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonMachiasA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1975Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockSwans IslandA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1985Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockFrenchboroA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1986Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonSteubenA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1987Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockWinter HarborA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1987Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonCalaisA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonRobbinstonA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonPembrokeA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonAddisonA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonColumbia FallsA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonHarringtonA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonCherryfieldA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockEllsworthA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonEastportDowntown Eastport, near an abandoned pier, factory, and the Waco dinerA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonPembrokeWilbur Neck at Young Cove, Dennys BayA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonHarringtonHarrington River, near Coles Point off Ripley Neck RoadA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonMilbridgeNarraguagus River, at mouth, end of Fickett Road, opposite Long PointA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonMilbridgeNarraguagus River, at Route 1A boat rampA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonMilbridgeNarraguagus River, Kansas Road, 0.25 miles from Route 1AA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonCherryfieldNarraguagus River, at headwaters near Cherryfield Town Hall, below Route 1 BridgeA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonEastportA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonEdmunds TownshipA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonWhitingA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonRoque BluffsA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonJonesboroA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonBealsA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockFranklinA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockHancockA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockBlue HillA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockTremontA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonBealsGreat Wass Island NW tip - before Beals IslandA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockWinter HarborSchoodic Point, near Little Moose IslandA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonPerryA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1996Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonLubecA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1996Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonTrescottA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1996Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonHarringtonMill River, at embayment opposite Oak Point, off Rays Point RoadA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1996Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockMount DesertSeal Harbor, near Crowninshield Point, Mount DesertFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1888Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockSouthwest HarborClark Point near US Coast Guard Facility, Southwest HarborFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1889Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockTrentonOld House Cove, Mount Desert NarrowsFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1994Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockTremontBass Harbor at culvert on Route 102, TremontFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1994Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockMount DesertNortheast Harbor, Mount DesertFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1995Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockBar HarborHulls Cove, Frenchman BayFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1995Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockMount DesertPretty Marsh Harbor, at Indian Point Road, Mount DesertFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1995Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockBar HarborIndian Point at Blagden Preserve, Western Bay, Bar HarborFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1995Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockMount DesertSomesville, at Route 102 and a tidal streamFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1995Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockMount DesertBracy Cove, Mount DesertFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1996Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
WashingtonEastportEastport HarborFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine1881Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonLubecPirates Creek, LubecFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine1966Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonPembrokeReversing Falls Park, opposite Falls Island, PembrokeFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonEdmunds TownshipFriedman Marine Laboratory, EdmundsFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonPembrokePennamaquan River off Hersey Neck Rd., PembrokeFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine2005Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonEastportEastport HarborFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine2005Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonEastportHarris PointFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine2005Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonEastportCarrying Place Cove, EastportFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine2005Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
YorkYorkSeaweeds of the Brave Boat Harbor salt marsh and adjacent open coast of southern Maine1965Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, M.L. Anderson, and E.J. Hehre. 2001. Seaweeds of the Brave Boat Harbor salt marsh and adjacent open coast of southern Maine. Rhodora 103(913):1-46
YorkKitterySeaweeds of the Brave Boat Harbor salt marsh and adjacent open coast of southern Maine1965Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, M.L. Anderson, and E.J. Hehre. 2001. Seaweeds of the Brave Boat Harbor salt marsh and adjacent open coast of southern Maine. Rhodora 103(913):1-46
YorkYorkAlgal vegetation of the York River estuary and the adjacent open coast of southern Maine1978Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, and M. Costa. 1993. Algal vegetation of the York River estuary and the adjacent open coast of southern Maine. Rhodora 95(883):285-324
CumberlandHarpswellAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1902Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandFalmouthAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandSouth PortlandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandYarmouthAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandBrunswickAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandHarpswellAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandFreeportAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandPortlandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandCape ElizabethAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
SagadahocPhippsburgAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandChebeague IslandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
SagadahocWest BathAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
YorkKitteryAppledore IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
YorkYorkBoon IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
YorkKitteryCedar IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
YorkKitteryDuck IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
YorkKitterySmuttynose IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
YorkKitteryMalaga IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
KnoxMatinicus Isle PlantationWooden Ball Island: located within the south central (exposed) part of the Penobscot Bay (43°51.3'N, 68°49.05'W), offshore (S) from Vinalhaven Island and Isle Au Haut (SW), and near Matinicus and Ragged Islands; ~5560m of shoreline. Collections were madeA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
HancockSouthwest HarborFlora of Mount Desert Island, Maine: A preliminary catalogue of the plants growing on Mount Desert and the adjacent islands1894Rand, E.L. and J.H. Redfield. 1894. Flora of Mount Desert Island, Maine: A preliminary catalogue of the plants growing on Mount Desert and the adjacent islands.
A checklist and distributional index of the benthic marine algae of the north Atlantic Ocean0South, G.R. and I. Tittley. 1986. A checklist and distributional index of the benthic marine algae of the north Atlantic Ocean.
HancockWinter HarborLittle Moose Island, off of Schoodic PointA distributional study of the marine algae of Acadia National Park1966van Hemert, D.. 1969. A distributional study of the marine algae of Acadia National Park. Unpublished report to Acadia National park
HancockWinter HarborSchoodic PointA distributional study of the marine algae of Acadia National Park1966van Hemert, D.. 1969. A distributional study of the marine algae of Acadia National Park. Unpublished report to Acadia National park

HancockSouthwest Harbordock202115