Search Seaweed Species

Current Latin NameSaccharina longicruris (Bachelot Pylaie) Kuntze
Common NamesKelp; Oarweed; Atlantic Kombu
CommentsI think that this taxon is not valid, as described by Mathieson and Dawes (2017), but I want to check with others before removing this from the species list.



Bar Harbor
Blue Hill
Long Island
Mount Desert
North Haven
Roque Bluffs
South Bristol
South Portland
Southwest Harbor
Swans Island
Westport Island
Winter Harbor

LincolnBoothbayOcean Point. City park and boat ramp at the end of the Boothbay PeninsulaUniversity of Maryland, Norton-Brown Herbarium (MARY)2014824
WashingtonEastportEastport Harbor, Eastport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200587
CumberlandLong Islandat ferry dock, Long Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000513
SagadahocGeorgetownend of Five Island Road (Rt. 127), Sheepscot River, Five Islands, Georgetown Island, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000311
CumberlandPortlandFore River, off Commercial Street, Near Chandler/ Fisherman's Wharf area, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000226
CumberlandPortlandPortland Harbor, at Sunset Marina, off Fore Street, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000125
WashingtonEastportPrince Cove Salmon Farm, Cobscook Bay, Eastport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998821
WashingtonEastportDeep Cove at Connor's Salmon Aquaculture facility, Cobscook Bay, Eastport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998820
WashingtonBealsCape Cove, Great Wass Island, Beals, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199871
WashingtonSteubenHumboldt Field Residential Institute, East side Dyer Bay Road, Blue Trail, Eagle Hill, Steuben, MEUniversity of South Florida (USF)1998615
KnoxNorth HavenNorth Haven Ferry Dock, North Haven Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199836
HancockCastineNegro Island, Bagaduce River, Castine, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997124
LincolnWestport IslandRoche property, Sheepscot River at Brook Point, extreme end of Westport Island, Westport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997718
CumberlandPortlandCliff Island, ferry dock, Casco Bay, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996721
SagadahocWoolwichBack River at Maine Yankee, Woolwich, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996622
LincolnWiscassetSheepscot River at bridge and boat ramp, Wiscasset, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996622
LincolnWestport IslandSheepscot River north of Colby Cove, off Rt. 144 near Sheepscot Marine Co., Westport Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996622
SagadahocGeorgetownSheepscot River, near Five Islands and "Love Nest" snack bar, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996619
CumberlandBrunswickGurnet Strait, near Route 24 bridge, New Meadows River, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996611
LincolnSouth BristolChristmas Cove, Damariscotta River, South Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996518
LincolnSouth BristolClark's Cove, Damariscotta River, Walpole, South Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996518
HancockCastineTown Wharf, Castine, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996420
HancockCastineCastine Town Wharf, Castine, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996420
WashingtonRoque BluffsRoque Bluffs State Park, Englishman's Bay, Roque Bluffs, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996419
LincolnWaldoboroOsborne Finch Preserve near boat ramp, Medomak River, Waldoboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996417
HancockStoningtonStonington Town Dock, End of Route 15, Stonington, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996325
WashingtonCutlerLittle River at Rt. 191 and just before major road turn, Cutler, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996324
CumberlandPortlandDiamond Cove, Great Diamond Island, Casco Bay, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996317
KnoxVinalhavenFerry Cove, Vinalhaven Island, Penobscot Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996314
HancockSwans IslandIn front to Fishermans Cooperative, Burntcoat Harbor, Swan's Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996312
HancockSwans IslandIn front of Fisherman's Cooperative, Burntcoat Harbor, Swan's Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996312
HancockGouldsboroYoung Point, Corea, Gouldsboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996223
HancockWinter HarborSchoodic Point, Schoodic Peninsula, Winter Harbor, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996222
HancockMount DesertNortheast Harbor, Mount Desert, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996222
LincolnBoothbayEast Boothbay Pond, East Boothbay, Boothbay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951229
LincolnEdgecombSheepscot River off of Shore Road and opposite Westport Island, at a bridge and near a dammed up cove, Edgecomb, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995111
LincolnWiscassetBack River boat ramp/pier in front of the Environmental Services Building, off of Rt. 144 and Birch Point Rd, Wiscasset, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951029
SagadahocGeorgetownSheepscot River, at Five Islands, near Sheepscot Boat Co., Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951027
KnoxVinalhavenArey's Neck Woods Preserve, Vinalhaven Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951020
CumberlandPortlandDiamond Cove on Great Diamond Island, Casco Bay, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199583
WashingtonLubecGove Point, Cobscook Bay, Lubec, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199578
HancockBrooksvilleGoose Falls, Cape Roosier, Brooksville, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995618
HancockBrooksvilleBagaduce Falls, Brooksville, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995616
CumberlandBrunswickWhorton Point, Maquoit Bay, Brunswick, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995613
CumberlandSouth Portlandmouth of the Fore River, just in from Fort Preble and near boat ramp area, South Portland, MaineUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995519
HancockSullivanShoreline opposite Sullivan Falls, Sullivan, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995418
HancockSullivanShoreline directly across from Sullivan Falls, Sullivan, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995418
HancockHancockSullivan Falls, Hancock, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995418
HancockBlue HillBeyond retaining wall with narrow opening to Salt Pond, Blue Hill Falls at Route 175, Blue Hill, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199534
WashingtonPembrokeWilbur Neck, Dennys Bay, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994109
WashingtonPembrokeReversing Falls Park, Cobscook Bay, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994108
WashingtonPembrokeReversing Falls Park, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994108
SagadahocGeorgetownGoose Rock Passage, junction of Sasanoa and Little Sheepscot Rivers, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994102
WashingtonPembrokeReversing Falls area off Leighton Neck, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994819
WashingtonMilbridgeRay Point at end of Rays Point Road, mouth of the Harrington River, Milbridge, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994722
WashingtonAddisonMoose Neck Peninsula on the east side of the peninsula with an offshore island, South Addison, Addison, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994720
LincolnWestport Islandcollected at a private house/pier area opposite Upper Mark Island and off East River Road, Westport Island, Westport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994714
HancockBar HarborOtter Cliffs, Acadia, MEUniversity of Rhode Island (KIRI)19911013
YorkKitteryDuck Island, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977817
YorkKitteryDuck Island, Isles of Shoals, SCUBA, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977816
HancockWinter HarborSchoodic Pt., Winter HarborUniversity of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)197732
WashingtonEastportEastportField Museum of Natural History (F)1975100
YorkKitteryAppledore Island, west side, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1968528
LincolnWestport IslandClough Pt., Westport Is., Sheepscot RiverUniversity of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1967428
HancockBrooksvilleHarborside, Brooksville, Hancock Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1967226
WashingtonLubecWest Quoddy Head, Lubec, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966521
HancockWinter HarborSchoodic Pt., Winter Harbor, Hancock Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)196657
HancockLamoineLamoineUniversity of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1965413
WashingtonMilbridgeMilbridge Pt.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)19631129
HancockMount DesertBlackwoods Camping grounds, Mount Desert Island, MEUniversity of Massachusetts - Amherst (MASS)1961730
WashingtonMilbridgeNear Green IslandUniversity Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)1960827
WashingtonMilbridgeGreen I., Dyer BayUniversity of Michigan (MICH)1960817
KnoxRocklandRockland, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)1959621
HancockUNKNOWNMount Desert I., MaineUniversity of Michigan (MICH)1952727
CumberlandPortlandPeak's IslandField Museum of Natural History (F)1937
CumberlandPortlandPeak's IslandThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1937
CumberlandPortlandPeaks Island MaineUniversity of Michigan (MICH)1935
HancockSouthwest HarborManset, Mount DesertUniversity of Michigan (MICH)19209
HancockSouthwest HarborMount Desert, Maine; Manset, washed ashoreBrown University (BRU)192080
HancockMount DesertMount Desert, MEBrown University (BRU)192080
CumberlandPortlandPeaks' Island, Casco Bay, MEUniversity of Michigan (MICH)19169
KnoxRockportRockport, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)1915311
KnoxRockportOakland, Rockport, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)1915117
CumberlandBrunswickMere PointField Museum of Natural History (F)1909831
CumberlandBrunswickMere PointThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1909831
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswell, MaineThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)19057
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswell, MaineThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)19047
CumberlandHarpswellSouth HarpswellThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1902716
CumberlandHarpswellSouth HarpswellUniversity Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)1902716
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswellCanadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa (CANA)190271
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswellMiami University (MU)190271
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswellDrexel University, Academy of Natural Sciences (PH)19027
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswellUniversity of Michigan (MICH)19027
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswell, MEBrown University (BRU)19027
CumberlandHarpswellSouth HarpswellField Museum of Natural History (F)19027
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswellField Museum of Natural History (F)19027
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswell, MaineUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU)19027
CumberlandHarpswellSouth HarpswellThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)19027
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswell, MaineThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)19027
CumberlandHarpswellSouth HarpswellOregon State University (OSC)19027
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswellOregon State University (OSC)19027
CumberlandHarpswellSouth HarpswellUniversity Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)19027
CumberlandHarpswellSo. Harpswell.University of Washington (WTU)19027
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswellMichigan State University (MSC)19027
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswellMiami University (MU)19027
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswellUniversity Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)19027
LincolnBristolRound Pond. On shore between Pogy Factory Point and Harbor entrance.The New York Botanical Garden (NY)1901714
SagadahocGeorgetownGreat Head.The New York Botanical Garden (NY)1900831
WashingtonJonesportSequin IslandThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)1900828
SagadahocGeorgetownGreat Head, Georgetown, MEUniversity of Michigan (MICH)1900824
HancockFrenchboroDuck Island, MEBrown University (BRU)1900713
SagadahocGeorgetownGreat Head, Georgetown, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)1900
SagadahocGeorgetownGreat Head, Seguin Island, Georgetown, MEYale University Herbarium (YPM-YU)1900
SagadahocGeorgetownGreat Head, GeorgetownUniversity Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)1900
HancockMount DesertSomes Sound, Mount Desert Island, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)189083
CumberlandPortlandOcean side of Peaks IslandUniversity Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)1889620
CumberlandPortlandPeaks Island, Casco BayUniversity Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)1889
CumberlandPortlandPeaks IslandUniversity Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)1889
SagadahocPhippsburgFort PophamThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)188080
WashingtonEastportEastportYale University Herbarium (YPM-YU)1875100
WashingtonEastportEastport, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)187510
WashingtonEastportnear EastportYale University Herbarium (YPM-YU)187280
WashingtonEastportEastport, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)000
WashingtonEastportEastportField Museum of Natural History (F)000
WashingtonEastportEastportSan Diego Natural History Museum (SD)000
WashingtonEastportEastportUniversity Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley (UC)000
WashingtonEastportEastportYale University Herbarium (YPM-YU)000
WashingtonEastportEastportDrexel University, Academy of Natural Sciences (PH)0
WashingtonEastportEastport, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)0
CumberlandHarpswellHarpswell, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)0
CumberlandPortlandPortland HarborThe New York Botanical Garden (NY)0
CumberlandPortlandPortland, MEUniversity of Massachusetts - Amherst (MASS)0
WashingtonEastportEastportUniversity of Michigan (MICH)0
CumberlandPortlandPortland Harbor, Portland, MEYale University Herbarium (YPM-YU)0
WashingtonEastportEastportCanadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa (CANA)

CountyTownshipLocationReference TitleYearCitation
CumberlandHarpswellThe marine algae of Casco Bay1911Collins, F.S.. 1911. The marine algae of Casco Bay. Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History 2(9):257-282
WashingtonEastportMarine algae of New England and adjacent coast1879Farlow, W.G.. 1881. Marine algae of New England and adjacent coast.
CumberlandPortlandOn the shore zones and limits of marine plants on the New England coast of the United States1861Kemp, A.F.. 1862. On the shore zones and limits of marine plants on the New England coast of the United States. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist 7:20-34
HancockSouthwest HarborClark Point near US Coast Guard Facility, Southwest HarborFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1889Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockMount DesertNortheast Harbor, Mount DesertFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1995Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
WashingtonEastportEastport HarborFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine1875Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonPembrokeReversing Falls Park, opposite Falls Island, PembrokeFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonEastportEastport HarborFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine2005Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonEastportEstes Head, Cargo terminal at EastportFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine2005Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonEastportHarris PointFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine2005Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonLubecComstock Point, North LubecFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine2005Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonLubecOffshore urchin farm, West LubecFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine2005Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
CumberlandHarpswellAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1902Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandBrunswickAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandSouth PortlandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandHarpswellAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1996Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandPortlandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1996Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandLong IslandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine2000Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
YorkKitteryAppledore IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
YorkKitteryDuck IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
HancockFlora of Mount Desert Island, Maine: A preliminary catalogue of the plants growing on Mount Desert and the adjacent islands1894Rand, E.L. and J.H. Redfield. 1894. Flora of Mount Desert Island, Maine: A preliminary catalogue of the plants growing on Mount Desert and the adjacent islands.
A checklist and distributional index of the benthic marine algae of the north Atlantic Ocean0South, G.R. and I. Tittley. 1986. A checklist and distributional index of the benthic marine algae of the north Atlantic Ocean.
