Search Seaweed Species

Current Latin NameChaetomorpha picquotiana Montagne ex Kützing
Common Names



Bar Harbor
Blue Hill
Cape Elizabeth
Long Island
Matinicus Isle Plantation
Monhegan Island Plantation
Mount Desert
Old Orchard Beach
Saint George
South Bristol
South Portland
West Bath
Westport Island

CumberlandPortlandPortland Harbor Marine, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2018725
YorkKennebunkMother's Beach, part of Kennebunk Beach in front of playground on the southern part of the beach near the large rocks, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2015107
YorkBiddefordWood Island, mouth of the Saco River and at the entrance of Biddeford Pool, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2013814
YorkWellsWells Harbor, Wells MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)201384
YorkYorkLong Sands, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)201282
CumberlandSouth PortlandDyer Cove, South Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2010731
CumberlandCape ElizabethTwo Lights, Cape ElizabethUniversity of New Brunswick Fredericton (UNB(CEMAR))2010419
YorkYorkCape Neddick, southern MEUniversity of New Brunswick Fredericton (UNB(CEMAR))2006424
YorkKitteryin deep pannes across from outer pier pilings, Brave Boat Harbor, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2005118
YorkKitteryAppledore Island, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)20036
YorkKitterySeapoint, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2002216
WashingtonCutlerLittle River (mouth), Cutler, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)20011013
WashingtonCutlerWestern Head, Cutler, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)200167
CumberlandLong IslandAndrew's Nubble, Casco Bay, Long Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000513
CumberlandPortlandPeaks Island, Casco Bay, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000325
CumberlandPortlandSpar Cove, Peaks Island, Casco Bay, Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000325
SagadahocGeorgetownFive Islands, at end of Five Island Road, Sheepscot River, Georgetown, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)2000311
CumberlandCape ElizabethCape Elizabeth Light, Cape Elizabeth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991230
CumberlandCape ElizabethPond Cove, Cape Elizabeth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991230
CumberlandSouth PortlandFort Preble, Portland Harbor, South Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19991218
CumberlandHarpswellPotts Point, South Harpswell, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999916
YorkKitterySewards Cove, Gerrish Island, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999822
CumberlandCape ElizabethCape Elizabeth Lighthouse, Cape Elizabeth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1999717
CumberlandHarpswellBailey's Island, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199978
YorkKitterymouth of Brave Boat Harbor, south bank, site BBHS, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998923
WashingtonPerryon Gin Cove Road near Rt. 1, North Perry, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998226
WashingtonCutlerNaval Computer and Telecommunications Station just south of gate on Little Machias Bay and at third major promontory, Cutler, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998217
WashingtonCutlerNaval Computer and Telecommunications Station just south of main gain and at third major promontory, Little Machias Bay, Cutler, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998217
YorkYork(SCUBA), Cape Neddick, (Nubble Light), York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998216
YorkKitteryFort Foster, Gerrish Island, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998131
YorkKitterySeapoint proper near Crescent Beach, Seapoint, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1998119
YorkKitterysite #4, Kittery Side of outermost Brave Boat Harbor just upstream from the outermost bridge pilings & near the mouth of the first major tributary delineating Cutts Island; approximately 0.38 km inland from the mouth, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199814
YorkKitterymouth of Brave Boat Harbor, south bank, site BBHS, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199812
YorkYorkBrave Boat Harbor marsh, at outermost bridge pilings, York side, site # 7, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971226
YorkYorksite BBHN, mouth of Brave Boat Harbor, north bank, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971226
YorkYorkYork side of outermost Brave Boat Harbor, near a coastal berm and approximately 0.1 kilometers inland, site # 1, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971226
YorkKitterySeapoint, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971219
YorkKitterySeapoint Beach, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971219
YorkKitterySeapoint Beach, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971211
HancockCastineNegro Island, Bagaduce River, Castine, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997124
YorkKitterySeapoint Beach, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971129
YorkKitterysite #4, Kittery Side of outermost Brave Boat Harbor just upstream from the outermost bridge pilings & near the mouth of the first major tributary delineating Cutts Island; approximately 0.38 km inland from the mouth, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971129
YorkKitterysite #4, Kittery Side of outermost Brave Boat Harbor just upstream from the outermost bridge pilings & near the mouth of the first major tributary delineating Cutts Island; approximately 0.38 km inland from the mouth, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971119
YorkKitterySeapoint Beach, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971112
YorkKitterySeapoint Beach, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997112
YorkKitterysite #4, Kittery Side of outermost Brave Boat Harbor just upstream from the outermost bridge pilings & near the mouth of the first major tributary delineating Cutts Island; approximately 0.38 km inland from the mouth, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19971018
YorkKitterySeapoint, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997926
YorkKitterySeapoint Beach, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997926
WashingtonEastportMathews Island at "old" nursery area for Coastal Plantation Inc., Cobscook Bay, Eastport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997921
HancockBlue HillBlue Hill Falls, Blue Hill, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997823
KnoxSaint GeorgeTurkey Cove on St. George River, St. George, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997812
KnoxFriendshipHatchet Cove, Friendship, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997810
LincolnSouth Bristolmouth of the Damariscotta River, at point of land opposite Crow Island and at end of Rt. 219, South Bristol, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199783
LincolnWestport IslandRoche property, Sheepscot River at Brook Point, extreme end of Westport Island, Westport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1997716
YorkKennebunkParsons Beach, Kennebunk, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199747
WashingtonHarringtonRipley Neck near Hog Island, Harrington, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996313
HancockMount DesertSeal Harbor, Mount Desert. Mount Desert Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996222
YorkKitterySeapoint, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1996214
YorkSacoentangled material, "Bay View" area, Saco, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199626
CumberlandScarboroughPine Point, Scarborough, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199626
CumberlandScarboroughPine Point, Scarborough, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951029
CumberlandScarboroughPine Point Beach, Scarborough, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19951028
WashingtonPembrokeWilbur Neck, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995108
WaldoNorthportSaturday Cove, Northport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995101
SagadahocPhippsburgSebasco Harbor boat ramp off Route 127, Phippsburg, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199599
YorkYorkEast Point, near Stage Neck, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199554
YorkSacoFerry Beach State Park, Saco, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)199553
YorkWellsmouth of the Webhannet River at breakwater, Wells, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995423
HancockMount DesertSeal Harbor, Mount Desert, Mount Desert Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995415
HancockMount DesertNortheast Harbor, Mount Desert, Mount Desert Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1995325
WashingtonPembrokeWilbur Neck at Youngs Cove, Dennys Bay, Pembroke, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994109
CumberlandFreeportWinslow Park, Harraseeket River, (South) Freeport, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994731
CumberlandYarmouthRoyal River, Yarmouth, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994728
CumberlandSouth PortlandPleasantdale Cove area, Fore River, South Portland, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994727
LincolnMonhegan Island Plantationsheltered north side, Pebble Beach Cove, Monhegan Island, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994717
LincolnNobleboroOyster Creek, Salt Bay, Nobleboro, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1994615
YorkBiddefordFletcher's Neck, Biddeford Pool, MEUniversity of Connecticut (CONN)1991105
KnoxMatinicus Isle PlantationNW 340', sheltered, Wooden Ball Island, Penobscot Bay, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)198669
YorkYork#7 intertidal, York River Estuary, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19841214
YorkEliotacross Piscataqua River from PSCO Schiller Plant, station 17D, SCUBA, Eliot, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978829
YorkEliotsubtidal zone across Piscataqua River from PSCO Schiller Plant, station 17D, SCUBA, Eliot, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978531
YorkYorkSite # 6. North bank of York River between Sewall Bridge and Route 103 bridge. Variety of substrates present (mudflats, sand, cobbles, and some boulders). Fast fresh water entering river under slouce bridge. Abundance of mussels.University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorksite # 5. North bank of river by route 103 bridge. Rocky area becoming muddy, cut by drainage ditches from marsh. Abundance of mussels and barnacles beneath bridge.University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1978331
YorkYorksite # 3. By Stage Neck condominiums, York Harbor. North bank of river. Very rocky.University of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)197823
YorkKitterySeapoint, SCUBA, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)19771220
YorkKitterySeapoint, SCUBA, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977126
YorkKitterysoutheast side of Malaga Island, Isles of Shoals, SCUBA, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977527
YorkKitteryDuck Island, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1977527
YorkKitteryCedar Island, Isles of Shoals, SCUBA, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1976828
YorkEliotnear the site of the Schiller Power Plant, Piscataqua River, subtidal, station # 17, Eliot, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1976720
YorkKitteryDuck Island, SCUBA, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1976416
WashingtonBealsGreat Pond, Great Wass Island, Washington Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)197573
WashingtonBealsThe Pond - Southern end of Great Wass Island, Washington Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1975617
YorkKitteryHaley Cove, Smuttynose Island, SCUBA, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1974224
HancockUnknownNo location detail given at macroalgal herbarium portalUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU)197300
YorkKitteryeast side of breakwater between Smuttynose and Cedar Islands, SCUBAUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)197134
YorkKitteryKittery area, SCUBA, Maine-NHUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1969814
YorkKitteryKittery Point, SCUBA, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1969814
SagadahocWest BathFoster Pt., West Bath, Sagadahoc Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1967416
YorkYorkGodfreys Cove, York, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966119
YorkKitteryAppledore Island, Isles of Shoals, SCUBA, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966616
YorkKitteryHaley Cove, Smuttynose Island, SCUBA, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966616
YorkKitterySmuttynose Island, SCUBA, Isles of Shoals, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966616
KnoxSaint GeorgePort Clyde, Knox Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1966423
YorkKitteryKittery Point, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966417
CumberlandScarboroughProut's Neck, Scarborough, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)1966312
CumberlandHarpswellsouth Harpswell, Harpswell, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)196634
YorkKitteryGerrish Island, Kittery, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)196634
YorkKitterySeapoint, MEUniversity of New Hampshire - Macroalgal Collection (NHA)196632
YorkYorkYork Harbor, York Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1964119
WashingtonCutlerCutler, Washington Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)19631123
YorkOld Orchard BeachOld Orchard Beach, York Co.University of Maine Herbaria (MAINE)1963115
YorkKennebunkKennebunk BeachUniversity of Michigan (MICH)1934615
KnoxRockportRockport, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)1915127
KnoxRocklandJameson's Point, Rockland, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)1915111
CumberlandPortlandPeaks Island, MEFarlow Herbarium (Harvard University) (FH)1895123
HancockMount DesertSeal Harbor, MENew England Botanical Club (NEBC)189400
HancockMount DesertSeal Harbor, MENew England Botanical Club (NEBC)18892424
HancockUnknownNo location detail given at macroalgal herbarium portalUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU)000

CountyTownshipLocationReference TitleYearCitation
HancockMount DesertA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1890Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonMilbridgeA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1966Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonCutlerA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1967Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockBar HarborA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1967Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonSteubenA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1987Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonPembrokeA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonHarringtonA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonPembrokeWilbur Neck at Young Cove, Dennys BayA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1994Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonEastportA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonBealsA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockBlue HillA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonBealsGreat Wass Island NW tip - before Beals IslandA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1995Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonPerryA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1996Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonHarringtonRipley Neck, opposite Hen and Hog IslandsA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1996Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
WashingtonCutlerWestern Head off Destiny Bay RoadA comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas1998Mathieson, A.C., and C.J. Dawes. 2018. A comparison of Marine and estuarine algal populations from downeast Maine and eight contiguous northwest Atlantic areas. Rhodora 120A:310-380
HancockTrentonOld House Cove, Mount Desert NarrowsFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1994Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockMount DesertSeal Harbor, near Crowninshield Point, Mount DesertFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1995Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
HancockMount DesertNortheast Harbor, Mount DesertFloristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison1995Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, and E.J. Hehre. 1998. Floristic and zonation studies of seaweeds from Mount Desert Island, Maine: an historical comparison. Rhodora 100(904):333-379
WashingtonPembrokeWilbur Neck, Dennys Bay, PembrokeFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
WashingtonEastportMathews IslandFloristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine1997Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, E.J. Hehre, and L.G. Harris. 2010. Floristic studies of seaweeds from Cobscook Bay, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Monograph 5): 1-48
YorkKitterySeaweeds of the Brave Boat Harbor salt marsh and adjacent open coast of southern Maine1965Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, M.L. Anderson, and E.J. Hehre. 2001. Seaweeds of the Brave Boat Harbor salt marsh and adjacent open coast of southern Maine. Rhodora 103(913):1-46
YorkYorkSeaweeds of the Brave Boat Harbor salt marsh and adjacent open coast of southern Maine1965Mathieson, A.C., C.J. Dawes, M.L. Anderson, and E.J. Hehre. 2001. Seaweeds of the Brave Boat Harbor salt marsh and adjacent open coast of southern Maine. Rhodora 103(913):1-46
YorkKitteryAlgal vegetation of the York River estuary and the adjacent open coast of southern Maine1978Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, and M. Costa. 1993. Algal vegetation of the York River estuary and the adjacent open coast of southern Maine. Rhodora 95(883):285-324
YorkYorkAlgal vegetation of the York River estuary and the adjacent open coast of southern Maine1978Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, and M. Costa. 1993. Algal vegetation of the York River estuary and the adjacent open coast of southern Maine. Rhodora 95(883):285-324
CumberlandPortlandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1890Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandHarpswellAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1915Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandHarpswellAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1966Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandSouth PortlandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandYarmouthAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandFreeportAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
SagadahocPhippsburgAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1995Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandCape ElizabethAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine1999Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
CumberlandLong IslandAn historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine2000Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, C.J. Dawes, and C.D. Neefus. 2008. An historical comparison of seaweed populations from Casco Bay, Maine. Rhodora 110(941):1-102
YorkKitteryCedar IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
YorkKitteryDuck IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
YorkKitteryMalaga IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
YorkKitterySmuttynose IslandA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
KnoxMatinicus Isle PlantationWooden Ball Island: located within the south central (exposed) part of the Penobscot Bay (43°51.3'N, 68°49.05'W), offshore (S) from Vinalhaven Island and Isle Au Haut (SW), and near Matinicus and Ragged Islands; ~5560m of shoreline. Collections were madeA comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1985Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
LincolnMonhegan Island PlantationMonhegan Island: located seaward of Penobscot Bay (43°46'N, 69°19'W); due south of Allen Island and almost equidistant from New Harbor to the northwest and Port Clyde to the north; ~8567m of shoreline.A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands1994Mathieson, A.C., E.J. Hehre, J. Hambrook, and J. Gerweck. 1996. A comparison of insular seaweed floras from Penobscot Bay, Maine, and other northwest Atlantic islands. Rhodora 98(896): 369-418
HancockMount DesertFlora of Mount Desert Island, Maine: A preliminary catalogue of the plants growing on Mount Desert and the adjacent islands1894Rand, E.L. and J.H. Redfield. 1894. Flora of Mount Desert Island, Maine: A preliminary catalogue of the plants growing on Mount Desert and the adjacent islands.
A checklist and distributional index of the benthic marine algae of the north Atlantic Ocean0South, G.R. and I. Tittley. 1986. A checklist and distributional index of the benthic marine algae of the north Atlantic Ocean.

HancockBar HarborOgden Point2021123
HancockBar HarborShore Path2021105
HancockBar HarborOgden Point2021111