Suborder | Family / Subfamily | Genus | Species | Authority | Common name | Sources (full citations given below this table) |
Zygoptera | Calopterygidae | Calopteryx | aequabilis | river jewelwing | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Calopterygidae | Calopteryx | amata | superb jewelwing | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Calopterygidae | Calopteryx | maculata | (Beauvois) | ebony jewelwing | Bar Harbor: MDDS (DB, TG, JH, SCH, TAH), Procter (1946, p. 47., “Eagle Lake”, “swamp at Eden” (as Agrion maculatum)); Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, TAH); Champlainer (TFV); Procter (1946, p. 47., “Long Pond” [see note 1 below] (as Agrion maculatum)) Tremont: Procter (1946, p. 47., “Seal Cove Brook” (as Agrion maculatum)) |
Zygoptera | Calopterygidae | Hetaerina | americana | American rubyspot | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Amphiagrion | saucium | eastern red damsel | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Argia | fumipennis var. violacea | (Hagen) / ? | Variable Dancer | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 48., “Eagle Lake” (as Argia violacea)); Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, TAH, HBW); Tremont: MDDS (SCH, TAH); town?: Procter (1946, p. 48., “Bubble Brook” (as Argia violacea)) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Argia | moesta | (Hagen) | Powdered Dancer | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 48., “outlet Eagle Lake”); Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, TAH, JDM, HBW); Procter (1946, p. 48., “Long Pond” [see note 1 below], “Bubble Brook”) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Argia | translata | dusky dancer | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Chromagrion | conditum | (Sélys) | Aurora Damsel | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 48.); Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (TAH) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Coenagrion | interrogatum | subarctic bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Coenagrion | resolutum | taiga bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | annexum | (Hagen) | Northern Bluet | town(s)?: Procter (1946, p. 49., “a common widely distributed form” (as Enallagma cyathigerum)) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | aspersum | (Hagen) | Azure Bluet | MDDS, Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, JH, TAH, HBW), Procter (1946, p. 48., “Ripple Pond”, “Somes Pond”); town?: Procter (1946, p. 48., “Toad Hole”) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | boreale | Sélys | Boreal Bluet | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 48., “Breakneck Road”, “Witch Hole”); Mount Desert: MDDS (JH, TAH) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | carunculatum | tule bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | civile | (Hagen) | Familiar Bluet | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, TAH, HBW); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Tremont: MDDS (TAH); town?: Procter (1946, p. 48., “another common all summer species”) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | civile | (Hagen) | Familiar Bluet | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, TAH, HBW); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Tremont: MDDS (TAH); town?: Procter (1946, p. 48., “another common all summer species”) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | divagans | turquoise bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | durum | big bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | ebrium | marsh bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | exsulans | (Hagen) | Stream Bluet | Mount Desert: MDDS (JDM), Procter (1946, p. 49., “N. E. Harbor”) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | geminatum | Kellicott | Skimming Bluet | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Mount Desert: MDDS (HBW); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | hageni | (Walsh) | Hagen's Bluet | Bar Harbor: MDDS (TAH); Mount Desert: MDDS (KC, JG, SCH, TAH, JDM); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (TAH); Tremont: MDDS (SCH, TAH); no town given: Procter (1946, p. 49.) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | laterale | New England bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | minusculum | Morse | Little Bluet | Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, TAH, HBW), Procter (1946, p. 49., “Echo Lake”) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | pictum | scarlet bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | recurvatum | pine barrens bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | signatum | orange bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | vernale | vernal bluet | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma | vesperum | Calvert | Vesper Bluet | Mount Desert: Champlainer (TAH, Lower Hadlock Pond, 29 July 2009); Procter (1946, p. 49., citing Ahrens (1941)) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Ischnura | hastata | citrine forktail | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Ischnura | kellicotti | (Williamson) | Lilypad Forktail | Mount Desert: MDDS (JH, SCH, TAH) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Ischnura | posita | (Hagen) | Fragile Forktail | Southwest Harbor: MDDS (TAH) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Ischnura | ramburii | Rambur’s forktail | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Ischnura | verticalis | (Say) | Eastern Forktail | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Mount Desert: MDDS (JG, JH, SCH, TAH, HBW); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Tremont: MDDS (SCH, TAH); no town given: Procter (1946, p. 49.) |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Nehalennia | gracilis | Sphagnum sprite | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Coenagrionidae | Nehalennia | irene | (Hagen) | Sedge Sprite | Bar Harbor: Proctor (1946, p. 48., “Witch Hole Pond”); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW), Procter (1946, p. 48., “pond beside Indian Point-Somesville Road”) |
Zygoptera | Lestidae | Lestes | australis | southern Spreadwing | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Lestidae | Lestes | congener | Hagen | Spotted Spreadwing | MDDS, Bar Harbor: MDDS (DSC), Procter (1946, p. 47., “brook and cedar swamp West Side at Bar Harbor by Mt. Desert line”) |
Zygoptera | Lestidae | Lestes | disjunctus | Walker | Common Spreadwing | MDDS. Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW), Procter (1946, p. 48.); Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Tremont: MDDS (TAH) |
Zygoptera | Lestidae | Lestes | dryas | Kirby | Emerald Spreadwing | MDDS, Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 48., citing Johnson (1927)) |
Zygoptera | Lestidae | Lestes | eurinus | Say | Amber-winged Spreadwing | MDDS, Southwest Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 48., “Sea Wall Bog”) |
Zygoptera | Lestidae | Lestes | forcipatus | Rambur | Sweetflag Spreadwing | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 48., “New Mill Pond”); Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH) |
Zygoptera | Lestidae | Lestes | inaequalis | elegant Spreadwing | MDDS | |
Zygoptera | Lestidae | Lestes | rectangularis | Say | Slender Spreadwing | MDDS, Bar Harbor: MDDS (DSC, HBW); Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 48., citing Ahrens (1941)) |
Zygoptera | Lestidae | Lestes | unguiculatus | Hagen | Lyre-tipped Spreadwing | MDDS, Southwest Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 48., “Sea Wall”) |
Zygoptera | Lestidae | Lestes | vigilax | Hagen in Sélys | Swamp Spreadwing | Bar Harbor: MDDS (TG, JH, SCH, TAH, HBW), Procter (1946, p. 48., “Witch Hole”); Mount Desert: MDDS (JG, JH, SCH, TAH); Tremont: MDDS (SCH, TAH) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | canadensis | Walker | Canada Darner | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 50.) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | clepsydra | Say | Mottled Darner | MDDS, Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 50., citing Howe (1921)) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | constricta | lance-tipped darner | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | eremita | Scudder | Lake Darner | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 50., “Great Heath”); town?: Procter (1946, p. 50., “The Barcelona”) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | interrupta (interrupta | Walker | Variable Darner | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 50., “Witch Hole”); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | juncea | sedge darner | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | sitchensis | Hagen | Zigzag Darner | Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW), Procter (1946, p. 50., “Sea Wall”, citing Ahrens (1941)) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | subarctica | subarctic darner | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | tuberculifera | Walker | Black-tipped Darner | Tremont: MDDS (TAH) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | umbrosa (umbrosa) | Walker | Shadow Darner | Bar Harbor: MDDS (DSC), Procter (1946, p. 50.); Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 50., “Northeast Harbor”); town?: Procter (1946, p. 50., “Bubble Brook”) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Aeshna | verticalis | Hagen | Green-striped Darner | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Anax | junius | (Drury) | Common Green Darner | Bar Harbor: MDDS (SCH, TAH, HBW); Mount Desert: MDDS (JH, SCH, TAH); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); town not given: Procter (1946, p. 50., “various places back of south shore of the island”) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Anax | longipes | comet darner | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Basiaeschna | janata | (Say) | Springtime Darner | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 50., “New Mill Meadow”, “Witch Hole”); Mount Desert: MDDS (JH, TAH, JDM) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Boyeria | grafiana | ocellated darner | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Boyeria | vinosa | (Say) | Fawn Darner | Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH); Tremont: Procter (1946, p. 50., “Seal Cove Brook”) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Epiaeschna | heros | (Fabricius) | Swamp Darner | MDDS, Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 50., citing Ahrens (1941))/td> |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Gomphaeschna | furcillata | (Say) | Herlequin Darner | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 50., “Breakneck to Witch Hole Road”) |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Nasiaeschna | pentacantha | Cyrano darner | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Aeshnidae | Rhionaeschna | mutata | spatterdock darner | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Cordulegastridae | Cordulegaster | diastatops | (Sélys) | Delta-spotted Darner | Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH); Southwest Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 51.) |
Anisoptera | Cordulegastridae | Cordulegaster | maculata | Sélys | Twin-spotted Spiketail | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 51., “Eagle Lake”); town?: Procter (1946, p. 51., “Bubble Brook”) |
Anisoptera | Cordulegastridae | Cordulegaster | obliqua | arrowhead spiketail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Cordulia | shurtleffi | Scudder | American Emerald | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 52., “Witch Hole”); Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Dorocordulia | lepida | (Hagen in Sélys) | Petite Emerald | Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, TAH); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Tremont: MDDS (JJG, TAH); no town given: Procter (1946, p. 52.) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Dorocordulia | libera | (Sélys) | Racket-tailed Emerald | Bar Harbor: MDDS (SCH, TAH); no town given: Procter (1946, p. 52.) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Epitheca | canis | beaverpond Baskettail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Epitheca | cynosura | (Say) | Common Baskettail | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 51., “Eagle Lake”) as Tetragoneura cynosura Say; Mount Desert: MDDS (JDM) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Epitheca | princeps | (Hagen) | Prince Baskettail | Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Epitheca | semiaquea | (Burmeister) | Mantled Baskettail | Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Epitheca | spinigera | (Sélys) | Spiny Baskettail | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 51., “Breakneck Road”, “Witch Hole” as Tetragoneura spinigera Sélys); Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, TAH) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Helocordulia | uhleri | (Sélys) | Uhler's Sundragon | Mount Desert: MDDS (JH, TAH); no town given: Procter (1946, p. 51.) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Neurocordulia | michaeli | broadtailed shadowdragon | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Neurocordulia | obsoleta | umber shadowdragon | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Neurocordulia | yamaskanensis | Stygian shadowdragon | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | albicincta | ringed emerald | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | brevicincta | Quebec emerald | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | cingulata | Sélys | Lake Emerald | Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH, HBW); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | elongata | (Scudder) | Ski-tailed Emerald | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 51., “Breakneck Road”, citing Alexander (16 June 1935)); Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | forcipata | (Scudder) | Forcipate Emerald | MDDS, Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 51., “Echo Lake”, citing Ahrens (1941)) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | incurvata | Walker | Incurvate Emerald | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | kennedyi | Walker | Kennedy’s Emerald | MDDS, Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 51., citing Ahrens (1941)) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | minor | Calvert | Ocellated Emerald | MDDS, Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 51., citing Ahrens (1941)) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | tenebrosa | (Say) | Clamp-tipped Emerald | MDDS, Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 51., citing Ahrens (1941)) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | walshii | (Scudder) | Brush-tipped Emerald | MDDS, Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 51., citing Ahrens (1941)); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Somatochlora | williamsoni | Walker | Williamson's Emerald | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 51., citing Ahrens (1941)) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Williamsonia | fletcheri | Williamson | Ebony Boghaunter | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 52., “Witches Hole”, citing Montgomery [1935?]) |
Anisoptera | Corduliidae | Williamsonia | lintneri | ringed boghaunter | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Macromiidae | Didymops | transversa | (Say) | Stream Cruiser | MDDS, town(s)?: Procter (1946, p. 51., “common on all parts of the island”) |
Anisoptera | Macromiidae | Macromia | illinoiensis | Walsh | Illinois River Cruiser | MDDS, Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH, HBW), Procter (1946, p. 51., citing Ahrens (1941)); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Arigomphus | furcifer | lilypad clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Arigomphus | villosipes | unicorn clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Dromogomphus | spinosus | Sélys | Black-shouldered Spinyleg | Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, HBW), Procter (1946, p. 49., citing Ahrens (1941)); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Gomphurus | vastus | cobra clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Hagenius | brevistylus | Sélys | Dragonhunter | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH, HBW); town?: Procter (1946, p. 49., “brook from Toad Hole”) |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Hylogomphus | abbreviatus | spine-crowned clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Hylogomphus | adelphus | moustached clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Lanthus | parvulus | (Sélys) | Northern Pygmy Clubtail | MDDS, Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 50., citing Ahrens (1941)), |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Lanthus | vernalis | singe-striped clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Ophiogomphus | anomalus | extra-striped snaketail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Ophiogomphus | aspersus | broo snaketail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Ophiogomphus | colubrinus | boreal snaketail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Ophiogomphus | howei | pygmy snaketail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Ophiogomphus | mainensis (mainensis) | Maine snaketail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Ophiogomphus | rupinsulensis | (Walsh) | Rusty Snaketail | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 49., “Eagle Lake”, citing Howe (1918)) |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Phanogomphus | borealis | beaverpond clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Phanogomphus | descriptus | harpoon clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Phanogomphus | exilis | (Sélys) | Lancet Clubtail | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 49., as Gomphus exilis; “Witch Hole Pond”); Mount Desert: MDDS (JG, SCH, TAH) |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Phanogomphus | quadricolor | rapids clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Phanogomphus | spicatus | (Hagen in Sélys) | Dusky Clubtail | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 49., as Gomphus spicatus; “Witch Hole Pond”) |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Progomphus | obscurus | common sanddragon | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Stylogomphus | albistylus | (Hagen in Sélys) | Least Clubtail | Mount Desert: Procter (1946, p. 50. as Lanthus albistylus, citing Ahrens (1941)) |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Stylurus | scudderi | zebra clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Gomphidae | Stylurus | spiniceps | arrow clubtail | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Celithemis | elisa | (Hagen) | Calico Pennant | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW), Procter (1946, p. 52., “Witch Hole”, “Hulls Cove”); Mount Desert: MDDS (KC, JG, SCH, TAH, HBW); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Tremont: MDDS (SCH, TAH) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Celithemis | eponina | Halloween pennant | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Celithemis | fasciata | banded pennant | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Celithemis | martha | Williamson | Martha's Pennant | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 52., “Gt. Heath and the Breakneck Ponds”); Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH); Tremont: MDDS (JJG, SCH, TAH) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Erythemis | simplicicollis | common pondhawk | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Erythrodiplax | berenice | (Drury) | Seaside Dragonlet | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Ladona | exusta | (Say) | White Corporal | Bar Harbor: MDDS (TG, SCH, TAH), Procter (1946, p. 52., “Witch Hole Pond” as Libellula exusta); Mount Desert: MDDS (KC, JG, JH, SCH, TAH, HBW) as Libellula exusta; Procter (1946, p. 52., “Long Pond” [see note 1 below] as Libellula exusta) Tremont: MDDS (JJG, SCH, TAH) as Libellula exusta |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Ladona | julia | (Uhler) | chalk-fronted corporal | Bar Harbor: MDDS (TG, SCH, TAH); Champlainer (TFV) Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH); Champlainer (TFV) Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW), Procter (1946, p. 52., “Sea Wall Bog” as Libellula julia) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Leucorrhinia | frigida | Hagen | Frosted Whiteface | Bar Harbor: MDDS (JH, SCH, TAH, HBW), Procter (1946, p. 53., “Witch Hole Pond”); Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, TAH, HBW), Procter (1946, p. 53., “Echo Lake”); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Tremont: MDDS (JJG, SCH, TAH) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Leucorrhinia | glacialis | Hagen | Crimson-ringed Whiteface | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 53., “New Mill Meadow”, “Witch Hole”); Mount Desert: MDDS (KC, JG, SCH, TAH), Procter (1946, p. 53., “Echo Lake”); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); town?: Procter (1946, p. 53., “Beaver Dam”) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Leucorrhinia | hudsonica | (Sélys) | Hudsonian Whiteface | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 53., “New Mill Meadow”, “New Mill Pond”, “Witch Hole”); town?: Procter (1946, p. 53., “Canada Brook”) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Leucorrhinia | intacta | (Hagen) | Dot-tailed Whiteface | Bar Harbor: MDDS (TG, SCH, TAH); Mount Desert: MDDS (HBW); no town given: Procter (1946, p. 53.) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Leucorrhinia | patricia | Canada whiteface | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Leucorrhinia | proxima | Calvert | Red-waisted Whiteface | Bar Harbor: MDDS (TG, SCH, TAH), Procter (1946, p. 53., “Indian Point”, “New Mill Pond”, “Witch Hole Pond”) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Libellula | cyanea | spangled skimmer | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Libellula | incesta | Hagen | Slaty Skimmer | Bar Harbor: MDDS (TG, JH, SCH, TAH, HBW); Mount Desert: MDDS (KC, JG, SCH, TAH, HBW); Tremont: MDDS (JJG, SCH, TAH) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Libellula | lactuosa | Burmeister | Widow skimmer | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Libellula | needhami | Needham’s skimmer | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Libellula | pulchella | Drury | twelve-spotted skimmer | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Mount Desert: MDDS (HBW); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Tremont: Champlainer (TFV) town(s)?: Procter (1946, p. 52., “stations F366 and F384”) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Libellula | quadrimaculata | L. | Four-spotted Skimmer | Southwest Harbor: MDDS (TAH, HBW); no town given: Procter (1946, p. 52.) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Libellula | semifasciata | Burmeister | Painted Skimmer | MDDS, no town given: Procter (1946, p. 52.) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Nannothemis | bella | (Uhler) | Elfin Skimmer | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 52., “Witch Hole Pond”, “Lower Breakneck Pond”) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Pachydiplax | longipennis | (Burmeister) | Blue Dasher | Bar Harbor: MDDS (TAH); Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); Tremont: MDDS (SCH, TAH) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Pantala | flavescens | (Fabricius) | Wandering Glider | Mount Desert: Champlainer (TAH) Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); town(s)?: Procter (1946, p. 53., “a widely distributed species”) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Pantala | hymenaea | (Say) | Spot-winged Glider | Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Perithemis | tenera | (Say) | Eastern Amberwing | Bar Harbor: MDDS (JH, TAH, HBW) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Plathemis | lydia | (Drury) | common whitetail | Bar Harbor: Champlainer (TFV); Procter (1946, p. 52., as Libellula lydia); Mount Desert: MDDS (HBW) as Libellula lydia; Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW) as Libellula lydia; Tremont: MDDS (SCH, TAH) as Libellula lydia |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Sympetrum | corruptum | variegated meadowhawk | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Sympetrum | costiferum | (Hagen) | Saffron-winged Meadowhawk | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 53.); Mount Desert: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Sympetrum | danae | black meadowhawk | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Sympetrum | internum | Montgomery | Cherry-faced Meadowhawk | Bar Harbor: MDDS (DSC, HBW); Mount Desert: MDDS (TAH); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW); no town given: Procter (1946, p. 53.) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Sympetrum | obtrusum | (Hagen) | White-faced Meadowhawk | Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 53., “Witch Hole Pond”) Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH), Procter (1946, p. 53., “Featherbed” (altitude 1000'); town?: Procter (1946, p. 53., “Narrows”) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Sympetrum | semicinctum | (Say) | Band-winged Meadowhawk | MDDS, Bar Harbor: Procter (1946, p. 53., “New Mill Meadow”, “Witch Hole”) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Sympetrum | vicinum | (Hagen) | Autumn Meadowhawk | Bar Harbor: MDDS (HBW), Procter (1946, p. 53.); Mount Desert: MDDS (SCH, TAH); Southwest Harbor: MDDS (HBW) |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Tramea | carolina | Carolina saddlebags | MDDS | |
Anisoptera | Libellulidae | Tramea | lacerata | black saddlebags | MDDS |