Maine Biota Project

Hornworts of Mount Desert Island

(Kingdom Plantae, Division Anthocerophyta)

Hornworts of Maine

Hornworts of Mount Desert Island

Below is a working list of Mount Desert Island's hornworts that grow without cultivation. This list and nomenclature is based on a very old (1924) article in Rhodora, the journal of the New England Botanical Club. Therefore, there is likely much updating of the taxonomy necessary.
Family Genus Species Authority Common Name Source (full citation given below this table)
Anthocerotaceae Anthoceros laevis L. ? Bar Harbor: Lorenz (1924, p. 13., "Cadillac Cliff at Sea Cave")
Mount Desert: Lorenz (1924, p. 13., "Seal Harbor", "roadside near Prettymarsh")
town?: Lorenz (1924, p. 13., "Great Pond")
Anthocerotaceae Notothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. ? Bar Harbor: Lorenz (1924, p. 13., "roadside between Town Hill and Indian Point")

Lorenz, Annie. 1924. A Revision of the Mt. Desert Hepatic List. Rhodora 26(301):6-13.