Surveying Harlequins on Isle au Haut 2024-2025: a Photo/Video Essay

Photos by Glen Mittelhauser, Video by Logan Parker

Winter Surveys

Day 1

Arrived in Stonington
The Isle au Haut ferry
The cozy interior of the ferry
Made it to the island and arriving at our host’s house

Day 2

6:26 AM the next morning and our host drives us as far as he can in the snow…
…and drops us off.
Start of the Western Head Trail
Hiking in snow is an added challenge of winter surveys
Hiking toward the shoreline as the sun rises
Made it to the shore!
Good footwear with ice cleats are a must…
…for hiking on snow and ice covered boulders.
A spotting scope makes it possible to see…
…Harlequin Ducks in the rough surf around the ledges.

Learn more about

Harlequin Ducks in Jericho Bay

Read about MNHO’s work with Harlequin Ducks
spanning more than 35 years.