The Observer is an online natural history journal published by MNHO that features Maine-based natural history observation, musings about the natural world, reflections from amateur or professional field studies, and much more!
The observations made by amateur and avocational naturalists in their own backyards and during their travels through the state are a huge resource for furthering natural science in Maine. The Observer aims to serve as a platform for naturalists of all experience levels to connect, share, and expand upon their collective knowledge about Maine biota. The Observer is an online field journal that is currently published 4 times per year.
How to Read the Observer Field Journal
Subscriptions to the Observer are only available to current Observatory members. Become a member of the Observatory for as little as $10 to get a one-year subscription to the Observer and access to the entire Observer archives and other membership benefits.
Make submissions to the Observer. You will receive a link to each issue of the Observer in which you have a piece published.
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The winter issue of the Observer has been published!
Brown Creeper, Cave Swallows, Metaphyton, Seaweed, Barred Owl, and Hologram Moth.

Observer field journal: 2024, Issue 4
Crossbills, rare birds in Maine, dragonflies, and more!

Observer field journal: 2024, Issue 3
Cicadas, Birds on Monhegan, Red-winged Blackbirds, Salicornia, Tawny Slugs, Fusicolla fungus, Mowry Beach, Mockingbirds.