Category Publication

Wildflowers of Maine Islands

This book is the result of decades of published and unpublished plant inventories of Maine islands made by numerous botanists, my 25 years of plant inventories along
the Maine coast, and assessment of thousands of plant collections preserved in various herbaria.

Sedges of Maine: A Field Guide to Cyperaceae

The sedge family is frequently considered by professional and amateur botanists alike to be one of the most challenging groups of plants to study. This unflattering reputation is due in large part to the vast number of sedge species not only in Maine but also throughout the United States and Canada.

Grasses and Rushes of Maine

This guide is an identification manual for all grass and rush species currently found in the state of Maine.

The Plants of Baxter State Park

Maine’s Baxter State Park is one of the most ecologically diverse and beautiful protected sites in the Northeastern United States. The Plants of Baxter State Park presents scientific descriptions of 857 plant species.

Maine Bird Atlas

The Maine Bird Atlas is a project of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in partnership with Maine Natural History Observatory, Maine Audubon, and Biodiversity Research Institute.  The data collection phase of the project was from 2018-2022 with the…

The Plants of Acadia National Park

Building on the data collected by Dr. Craig Green of College of the Atlantic, The Plants of Acadia National Park was published in 2010 - the first field guide of its kind for the area.