Grasses and Rushes of Maine

Author(s): Glen H. Mittelhauser, Matt Arsenault, Don Cameron, and Eric Doucette

Published: University of Maine Press, 2019

ISBN 13: 9780891011293

This guide is an identification manual for all grass and rush species currently found in the state of Maine. It was designed for a diverse user group and will be useful to botanists, ecologists, wetland scientists, students, naturalists, farmers, gardeners, and others interested in these often overlooked groups of plants. We think that both the novice and the expert will find it helpful.

Grasses and rushes are common components of ecosystems throughout the state and are frequent in both natural and human-altered landscapes. However, grasses and rushes are often overlooked during botanical and natural community surveys because of the perceived difficulties in their identification. It is true that there are many species that are similar looking, particularly within genera and correct identification often relies on interpreting small structures that can be difficult to see with the naked eye. However, there are also many species that can be identified quite easily from a distance.

This guide incorporates high-resolution images of morphological structures. It is our hope that the adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” proves true.

(Excerpts from the introduction to Grasses and Rushes of Maine)

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